Chapter Five: Rubio

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As the morning sunlight filtered through the barred window, painting golden streaks across the room, I found myself stirring out of sleep. My book lay open on my chest, its pages forgotten as my eyelids grew heavy with drowsiness. Suddenly, the sound of locks being undone jolted me awake, and panic surged through me. Hastily, I closed the book and shoved it under the covers, hoping to hide it from view.

The door creaked open, revealing Rubio standing in the doorway with a tray of food. His expression was unreadable, but I couldn't shake the feeling of his scrutiny as his eyes flickered over my disheveled state. Despite my racing thoughts, I tried to maintain a calm facade, though I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for being caught in such a state. With a forced smile, I greeted him, attempting to mask my apprehension as he approached my bedside.

He set the food tray down and grabbed the empty tray from the meal before, his eyes flicking away from mine as he sucked in a breath between his teeth. His eyes flicked over my appearance, his expression hardening with clear disapproval. He frowned, obviously unimpressed by my clothing. "What are you wearing?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling exposed. "Because I didn't think to pack a wardrobe when they ripped me out of my home."

Rubio shot me a deadpan look. "You tried to kill the Queen. I'm shocked they didn't execute you on the spot. Letting you live was a courtesy."

"I didn't attack the Queen," I retorted, my voice hardening. "I've been telling you that."

"Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say," he muttered.

Suddenly, his entire demeanor shifted. His body went rigid, muscles tensed like coiled springs. His nose scrunched up, eyelids clenched shut, and his eyebrows knit together as if he were in deep, agonizing thought. He stood there, breaths shallow and controlled through his clenched jaw, every muscle in his body taut and defined, even the ones in his neck bulging slightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worry threading through my voice. I reached out, gently touching his right bicep, which was as hard as stone. His eyes snapped open, roaming over my body feverishly. His gaze darkened, a few shades deeper than normal, making me gulp involuntarily.

"Where is your mate?" A deeper voice erupted from Rubio's throat, a voice that wasn't entirely his. My heart clenched tightly, and I felt more vulnerable than ever. Should I tell him the truth or lie?

Rejecting a mate was considered a grave insult to the Goddess herself. Mates were meant to be together through thick and thin, like a captain to their ship. Leaving a mate was seen as cowardly, an abandonment of divine duty. But some, like Nikolai, chose to save themselves, leaving the ship to sink.

"Back in Riverwood," I sighed, grabbing a pillow from the bed and clutching it to my chest, trying to shield some of my body from his piercing gaze. His wolf frowned, clearly unsatisfied with my response.

"Why isn't Alpha Emerson here now?" he demanded. I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, though my heart was racing. I wished he would drop the subject, but his eyes bore into mine, demanding an answer.

"I was rejected and exiled from my pack due to the Council's outlandish accusations," I admitted, my voice tinged with bitterness.

Rubio's wolf stared at me, unblinking. "Rejected and exiled," he repeated, his voice a growl. "Your mate abandoned you?"

"Yes," I whispered, tears threatening to spill. "Nikolai chose to save the pack and himself." Why am I even telling him this?

I trust him, Maiya spoke, we need to make alliances here, not enemies.

He paused, silently contemplating something before speaking. As he settled on the edge of the bed, my heart quickened its pace, a surge of panic coursing through me at his proximity of the hidden book. Glancing at him, I found him seemingly unaware of my inner turmoil, his gaze fixed straight ahead as if lost in thought. He lifted his hands and ran them through his curly hair. I couldn't help but watch his hands and arms, marked with a few scars, yet shining strong against the daylight streaming through the window, the shadows enhancing the definition of his muscles. As if he could feel my gaze, his eyes snapped to mine. I quickly looked down at the food, feeling as if I had been caught doing something inappropriate. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

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