Chapter One: Excited

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"Are you absolutely sure?" I choke out, large tears streaming down my face. Dr. Share, the pack doctor, responds with a warm, radiant smile that reaches her eyes.

"Luna, I am sure! See for yourself," she exclaims. Dr. Share stands up swiftly from her stool, carefully rotating the monitor so I can see the screen. Her right hand remains steady, ensuring the probe stays in place. I stare in utter disbelief at the screen.

"Oh, goddess," I whisper, overwhelmed.

"And that's not even the best part," Dr. Share says excitedly. "Watch this!"

She maneuvers the probe slightly, causing the screen to shift through the murky depths again. Suddenly, two distinct pockets appear on the monitor. I gasp, my heart racing.

"Does that mean-"

"You are having twins," she confirms with a bright smile, animating her hands as she talks, "Judging by the two completely separate placentas, they are likely fraternal twins. I would also assume you are around twelve weeks. It's hard to know for sure without a last known period."

"Congratulations, Luna! I am sure the Alpha will be happy to hear this," she continues. 

Dr. Share has been incredibly supportive throughout the year and a half of struggles Nikolai and I have endured trying to conceive. We have been mated for nearly two years. After six months, we decided to start a family, naively unaware of how difficult that journey would be. The commons of the pack had begun to murmur and speculate, questioning if we were true mates since only mates can produce heirs. The stress has been immense for everyone involved. The pressure and tension has been growing among the pack, and seemed to poison Nikolai's patience over time. 

"I have to go and tell Nik. Thank you so much for this, Doctor. We truly appreciate all that you have done," I say, wiping away my tears.

"Thank you, Luna. Before you go, make sure you take these," she says, handing me a set of four printed images, each displaying my pups. I beam proudly at the pictures, carefully placing them inside my cream-colored purse.

"Thank goddess for our pups," my wolf speaks for the first time in months, her voice filled with gratitude and joy.

As I leave the clinic, my mind races with thoughts of Nikolai's reaction. He will be overjoyed. I sigh, feeling relieved at the news. This moment, after all our hardships, feels like it was all worth it. I hurry through the pack's village, my heart lighter than it has been in a long time. A few pack members murmur quietly as I hastily leave the clinic, eager to get home and tell Nikolai about our pups. This news will change everything.

After a brief five-minute drive, I arrive home, my heart racing with excitement. I hop out of the car, my purse clutched tightly in my hand, and rushed towards the house. Practically flying up the staircase and sprinting through the halls, I arrive at the imposing wooden doors to Nikolai's study.

I hesitate, looking down at my shoes for a brief second. What if this doesn't change anything? I frown deeply at the thought. It has to, right? 

I take a moment to observe the doorway more closely than ever before. The door is crafted from oak, stained a rich cherry color, and adorned with intricate woodwork that exudes power and strength. I suck in a breath, feeling a surge of nervousness as my hand touches the cold, golden handle.

"Hey, what are you doing?" our Beta, Garett, says, his baritone, rich voice startling me. I jump, removing my hand from the handle, and spin around to face him. His light brown eyes meet mine as I try to compose myself.

"I need to speak with my mate, right now," I state, my heart slamming against the frame of my chest. 

"He's in a meeting right now," Garett states. "You'll have to wait until he's done."

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