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Ughhhhh. I groan as I turn around to be greeted by the annoying beeps of my alarm clock. I sit up and press the snooze button. I look at the time to see that it was 5:30. 

I pull off my covers and stretch before walking over to my wardrobe to grab my school uniform. I take a look at my calendar which I bought a few weeks ago to make sure I remember things and it showed that middle of the year finales are coming up soon. (Tests for the end of the 2nd semester) Geez I got to study. Maybe I can make a study group with Shinsou, Uraraka, and Iida. Maybe Todoroki....

I smiled remembering that we are now friends again. It will be hard to fully trust him again but I feel a little warm knowing that we are on good terms again. 

I put on my uniform's shirt and pants and then went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and then went to grab my hairbrush but I ended up just staring at it for a bit. My big enemy is a hairbrush. Yesterday I could barely brush it. I put it in my hair but as soon as I tried to brush it once it got stuck in my hair. 

I groaned and tried to yank it out but it ended up getting more stuck. "DAMN IT!" I yelled. 

"Hey you need help?" I hear someone, no wait someones giggle. 

I look behind me to see Momo, Uraraka, Toru, and Mina giggling at my hair. 

"Oh shut up! Its not funny! It really hurts!" 

They start laughing more and Momo comes over and helps me while still laughing. After abut 10 minutes of them laughing and struggling with my hair they got the brush out of my hair. I am NEVER using a brush again. 

"Hey how about we give you a make over? Maybe we can try and fix this while we're at it." Momo says while pointing at my hair. 

Ya know what. Sure why not its not like I have anything better to do.

"Sure why not."

"Yay!" The girls scream. 

"Meet us at the gates after school k?" Mina says. 

I just nod my head tiredly and leave the bathroom. God I hope I didn't make the wrong choice in trusting those weirdos. I went back to my dorm room to get my backpack and phone then head downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat. 

I wasn't feeling that hungry to I grabbed an apple and started making my way towards the doors. 

"Deku! Wait for us!" 

I turn around to see Iida and Uraraka. I smile and greet them and Iida greets back while Uraraka starts blabbering about what we are going to do today in heroics class. 

After a few minutes we make it to class and we take our seats. I sit down and open my Hero analysis notebook and start doing some touch ups on a few heroes. Mr. Azawai comes through the door and we begin the day. Maybe today will finally be a normal day! 

*Time skip*

Did I say that today might be a normal day? I WAS SO WRONG! Today for heroics class we were supposed to do some sparring but as soon as we walked into the training area (Its the training area where they practiced their ultimate moves) we saw a purple portal and we all know that portal wayyyy to well. We tried to run away but not before they locked us in. Everyone was freaking out and I was scared that they might be after Kacchan again. I guess Kirishima also thought of that because he activated his quirk and got close to Kacchan. 

I look around to see what kind of villains we are dealing with and boy do I wish that I didn't. I saw a Nomou. No. Two Nomou. Crap. I see Mr. Azawai try calling for backup but also getting in a battle stance. I really hope we don't have to fight them. Especially since last time we almost lost Mr. Azawai. 

Shiguraki comes through the portal and stares at us. He looks bored but when I make eye contact with him he looked.....delighted? 

"Hehe..It's nice seeing you all again. I hope you guys haven't missed me too much." Shiguraki chuckles as a few more people come out of the portal. 

Toga, Dabi, Twice, and some other dudes that I couldn't see since I was near the back of the group and i'm still short as hell.

I hear more voices but ignore them. I try to come up with a plan to defeat these people without getting hurt when suddenly I feel something-no someone grab my neck. 

I try to scream but I let out a little squeak instead because the person squeezed my neck. I hear laughing and then see my classmates turn around before blacking out. 

3rd POV

Everyone looked to see who was laughing but when they saw Shiguraki holding a passed out Deku by the neck everyone froze. 

"Let my student go." growled All Might. 

"And if I dont? What would you do?" He laughed again and squeezed Izuku's neck harder. 

"STOP!" Uraraka yelled.

"Y-YOU'LL KILL HER! PLEASE LET HER GO!" She yelled again. 

Iida was holding her back making sure his friend doesn't get hurt. 

"You better watch yourself space girl. I wanted to get someone stronger but this will do." He said. 

He then was covered in a black mist and every other villain disappeared. 

It took everyone a second to process what just happened. 

"THEY TOOK DEKU!" Uraraka fell to the ground crying that her best friend just was taken away. 

Iida patted her back and looked towards everyone else. As class president he had to make sure everyone else was okay. Everyone was either still in shock or holding back tears and some were already thinking of a plan to get Deku back. 

"What do you guys think they want with her?" Asked Mina.

"Ribbit. It clearly wasn't aimed at her. She was just in a bad place. Shiguraki said it himself that he wanted someone stronger but whatever it is I don't think its good. Ribbit" 

"Lets hope Midoryia can manage before we get to her." Kirishima said trying to comfort his other classmates. 

All they could do was pray that they don't end up finding a dead Deku.

(Okay so ya this was made SUPER CRAPPY! It is very confusing so here is a better explanation:

Deku and her classmates go to train but then the villains came and kidnapped her. 

Anyway sorry for my shitty writing but there ya go. Have a good day!) 

*Fem Deku* IM A WHAT!??!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora