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(Back to Izu's Pov)

We get down from the bus and we wait for the rest to come. I look around to see that we were at the supermarkets parking area. The market wasn't that big but when I looked around the streets were empty and there was a lot of alleyways. The buildings were plain looking and dark.. Who builds a supermarket here? And who even lives here? There is absolutely no one outside and everything looks so plain and broken. 

Once everyone is off we grab our walkie talkies and we head into different directions. Me and Todoroki go to the super market first. We talk to the front counter and ask if we were aloud to see the security camera. They turned on the tiny television and gave us the remote so we can skip threw. We spend about 10 minutes trying to find him and once we do he just comes in buys some snacks and then leaves. We thank the guy and leave. 

"Okay so he went this way right?" I ask.

"Ya. Let's get going."

"Shouldn't we tell the others?" I question.

"I don't think so. What if they found something else that will help?" 

"I-I guess." I mumble.

I feel like we should have told the rest of the group but I'll let it slide since Todoroki might now what he's doing right? He's smart, kind, Handsome.... wait what am I thinking? FOCUS ON THE MISSION DEKU!

I follow him and we end up walking into an alleyway. 

"Theres nothing here we should head back and look into other alleyways." I say.

"Wait! Look if we go down a little more maybe we will find something." He says.

"O-okay. I trust you Todoroki." I say blushing a little bit.

I see his cheek dust a light pink but then disappear. 

"T-thanks." He says before continuing to walk.

I speed walk after him and about 5 more minutes later of walking he stops. I end up bumping into him. 

"Why the sudden stop?" I ask.

"Look." He says as he points to something.

I look and my eyes go wide. There was a giant blood pool and a body in the middle. There was blood on the walls. 

 I scream and start to freak out. Seeing blood always makes me feel sick so seeing a lot of it and a dead body it made me start to panic. I start crying while screaming. I hear Todoroki say something into the walkie talkie. All I can hear is a couple worried voices saying:

"We are coming right away!" 

I fell to my knees and start crying like crazy.I felt Todoroki hug me and pat my back. I hug him and cry in chest. I clutch his shirt and just start crying. Soon I hear footsteps and people gasping. 

3rd Pov

Kirishima, Bakugou, Uraraka, and Asui rush to Todoroki and Deku.

"I hope their okay! It sounded like Deku was freaking out!" Uraraka saids while running.


"I hope they are okay! Ribbit" 

"Ya.." Says Kirishima.

Soon they get to the scene and they see Deku on the floor crying and screaming into Todoroki's chest. Todoroki looked up at them and pointed to the body. When they say what happened they started to realize why Deku was freaking out. 

"Geez thats messed up." Kirishima said.

"Deku are you okay?" Uraraka asks worried for her friend.

She was sobbing hysterically. 

"Damn it how to we fucking calm her down?" Bakugou asks.

"Wait she passed out." Todoroki said. 

"That's good. Ribbit. Let's go get 13 she will know what to do with this. Ribbit." 

"Y-ya lets hurry." Uraraka says uneasily. 

"I'll carry her." Todoroki says.

"Ok lets fucking go this is fucking scary." Bakugou said. 

Soon they got 13. Once they explained everything they called the police and the kids went back to school. About 30 minutes in the bus ride Izuku woke up. 

Izuku's POV

I fluttered my eyes and start to look around. 

"W-where are we? Is everything okay? Wha-"

"Hey calm down its fine. We told 13 about it and she is taking care of it now. We are heading back to U.A right now." someone said. 

I looked to my side and see Todoroki.

"You passed out during the crime scene." He says.

"I-I did? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to I-" 

"Its fine Midoryia! You couldn't help yourself from passing out." Kirishima said.

"Mmmmmm I guess..... did you guys find out who the guy was?" I ask.

"The fucker ended up being the guy we were looking for so now we don't have a fucking mission." Bakugou said. 

"O-oh." I say not so surprised.

For some reason I thought that he was the guy we were looking for.

"So it our mission over?" I ask.

"Ya they won't let us back since they are worried that the villain might still be lingering in that area." Uraraka said.

"O-oh ok..." I say as I try to remember what happened.

Soon we are at U.A and we get off the bus. Todoroki comes up to me and whispers "Come to my dorm after." then he leaves. 

I blush a little but quickly cover my face and make my way to the dorms. 

Authors Note!:

The reason it had that little murder scene in it was so I can make Todoroki and Deku closer so sorry if it seemed a little rushed or just plain weird lol. Anyway baiii!!!

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