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Izuku POV

I open my eyes again to see that I am in a white room. I feel a great pain in my side so I try not to move. I look around trying just to move my head. I see that I am in Recovery Girls room. I then look back up at the celling. 'What happened? Why am I here?' I then hear the door open. 

I turn my head to see Recovery Girl walking in. 

"Ah, Good morning Midoryia! I thought you would be out longer but this works." She says as she walks over to me. 

"U-um quick question... What happened?" I ask. 

"Don't you remember?" 


"Well you were being kidnapped by this man and while your classmates were chasing after you he stabbed you in the side. Soon the pros and your classmates surrounded him so he put a gun to your head and threatened to kill you. You then woke up catching him off guard and your classmates took care of him. You passed out due to blood lost."

"Wow... So how long was I out for?" I ask hoping that I wasn't out for to long. 

"You were out for only 2 days. I thought you would be out for more since your wound was really deep but this works. Im going to run some tests ok?"


After Recovery Girl ran a few tests then let me rest. I couldn't actually sit up since my wound was still healing and movement could open it. I took a nap during this and wondered how everyone was doing. Then I remembered the play. I asked Recovery Girl about it and she said that everyone was still practicing. I ended up using all my spare time practicing my role for the play which I didn't mind since I was bored as hell. 

Todoroki's POV

We all just got the news that Izuku is okay and resting in the Recovery Room. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. We were all worried since after she punched the man and fainted she had a lot of blood coming out. 

I was extremely glad that she was okay though. Every since that incident the school made it so that whenever we are going out we must take an adult with us. We all didn't mind because this would probably help a lot.

Again though I could care less I just wanted to see Izuku again. I desperately wanted to see her but I kept my emotions to myself and waited till the end of the day. 

We were all practicing for the play but it wasn't as fun as it was with Izuku. Everyone was a little bit cheerer though since they knew she would come back and return to laughing and smiling. We all worked really hard today even Bakugou. 

After class I raced out of the classroom and scurried off to Recovery Girls room. I knocked on the door and as soon as someone said come in I raced in and hugged Izuku. 

"You scared the hell out of me.... don't every do that again got that?" I whisper into her ear. 

She put her hands around me and hugged me. She then whispered "I won't."

We stayed like that for a few minutes before she moved away. I wished we stayed like that for a little more though. 

She kissed me and then we started chatting about what happened from the past two days. After that we rehearsed our parts for the play. We ended up laughing since she couldn't say her lines without stuttering. 

After a while I had to go since it was getting late and even though we had the play to practice we also had homework to do. I gave her a goodbye kiss and then left the room. 

I'm glad things can go back to normal and the play might as well be a comedy then a romance since she couldn't even say her lines properly. 

I opened the doors to my dorm room and close the door. I put my backpack down next to my desk and go take a shower. I get out of the shower and start on my homework.

Authors Note:

Sorry It wasn't long next chapter is going to be the play and I wanted to write about Izuku's condition after the attack so that's why its so short. Anyway the next chapter should be out soon! GB!

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