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Hey guys so I had help with @EdwardMrr in writing this chapter so go follow them! :D Anyway enjoy the chapter!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We soon arrive at the mall and of course I am super nervous. Yes everyone has been very accepting with me turning into a girl but still I still feel upset because I won't ever be the same as I was before I hope people don't force me into skirts because thats just going to be weird >~<. I'm also starting to question if I made the right decision on letting the girls choose my outfits. I really hope I didn't make the wrong choice. 

Soon the boys and girls split up since the girls wanted to go clothing shopping and the boys wanted to go play video games. Of course I was forced to be with the girls even though I really wanted to play some games but I new I had to get some new clothes that actually fit me. We walk into the store and as soon as we walk in Momo grabs my arms and she and the other girls run towards the girl section and start picking a up a lot of clothes throwing them at me. I catch them but regret it since then they force me into the dressing room trying on the clothes. It took an hour for us to go through ALL the outfits but it felt like FOREVER! At the end we picked these outfits: 

 It took an hour for us to go through ALL the outfits but it felt like FOREVER! At the end we picked these outfits: 

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I wanted to wear the clothes back at the dorms but they forced me into wearing the 2nd outfit since my clothes were literally falling down and I had to constantly pull them back up

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I wanted to wear the clothes back at the dorms but they forced me into wearing the 2nd outfit since my clothes were literally falling down and I had to constantly pull them back up. I ended up wearing it but I felt so odd. I liked the outfits but when I looked onto the boy side I found a lot of shirts and shorts I liked.... I decided to come back to the mall tomorrow to buy some boy clothes that would kinda fit me. We go to the food court and find a big table and wait for the boys. After we got out food and sat down we saw the boys and waved to them. Soon everyone got their food and starting eating and having a good time. I stay quiet mostly just because I was to busy stuffing food into my face. I excuse myself to go use the bathroom but once I got there I realized that I didn't know to which bathroom to go into. I know its obvious that I should have chosen the girls but I felt like I would be invading privacy since I still am a boy at heart. (Chessy I know lol) 

"Confused much?" I hear. 

I turn around to see Denki Kaminari walking up to me. 

"O-oh hello Denki! W-what are you doing here?" I ask

"Going to the bathroom duh." He says jokingly. 

"O-oh ya right.... sorry!" 

"Pffttt its fineee... Anyway you were looking a little confused are you okay?"

I hesitate for a moment before speaking again.

"Ummmmm.... *sigh* Okay is it okay if I come clean with you?"

"Ya sure. Whats up?"

"I just don't feel right. I know that there are bigger problems in the world then this but its just bugging me. I know I am a girl now but I still like being a boy and doing boy things and dressing in boy clothes. But will other people... you know.. judge me?" I ask him fidgeting with my hands.

"Midoryia! No one will judge you! You are still you!" He says as he comes up to me and hugs me.

"And no matter what you are always our Midoryia." He says.

I sniffle and 'attempt' to suck in my tears but then laugh a little bit. 

"Whats so funny?" Denki asks.

"That was really cheesyyyyyy!" I say laughing through my tears.

"NO IT WASN'TTTT!" He said now laughing along with me.

After that we both went to the bathroom of course I went to the girls bathroom but I felt confident now. Kaminari is actually a really good person to talk to even though he is EXTREMELY CHEESY! I go back to the group and everyone was now finishing up their food. I looked at the time and it was around 6:00 pm. We had to be back at around 8 since the school closes down at 8:30 so everyone can fall asleep. So we had about 2 hours! I really wanted to go to my favorite shop so this should be enough time for me to go check it out. We end up splitting up in groups since we all wanted to go to different stores. I ended up being with Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka, Tsu, Kirishima, and Bakugou. 

We decided that first store we visit would be Bakugou, Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka, Tsu, Kirishima then lastly me. I didn't mind to be last but I was anxious the whole time because I was worried that we wouldn't have time. Bakugou picked this store which had video games and consoles. He bought some kind of console that I didn't get to see since he kept glaring at me. Next was Todoroki, He took us to a bookstore which he bought some sort of horror book, Iida chose to go to another bookstore where he bought a some sort of engineering book, Uraraka took us to Claires, Tsu took us to the pet store to look at the sea creatures, Kirishima took us to a sports store and lastly it was my turn to chose. I chose Hot Topic since I love the stuff there. Once we went in I quickly ran up to the posters and shirts. I found ended up buying a Voltron poster and 2 shirts one that said PLUS ULTRA! Since all his other Plus Ultra shirts don't fit him anymore and the other was a hoodie that was just a dark green hoodie. 

"H-Hey guys I finished! Ready to go?" I say as I leave the store to see them in the front of it.

"Yup! C'mon!" Uraraka said as she skips away.

"Hey what did you get from the store?" I look up to see Kirishima walking next to me. 

"Uh I-I got a REALLYYYY cool poster of this tv show called Voltron and I got a t-shirt and a hoodie!" I say.

"Voltron? What is that?" Kirishima asks me confused.

(Also if you don't know Voltron its sooooo goooddd!)


He scratches the back of his neck and says "Nooo not really...." 


"Uhhhhhh why did I ask again?" Kirishima laughs.

"Why the fuck are you two doing? Your so fucking loud!" Kacchan yells.

"U-uh sorry Kacchan! It's just Kirishima never watched Voltron before so I was surprised heh."

"Pfffttt that shows are for nerds." Kacchan scoffs.

"No its not!" Uraraka said. 

"Ribbit I have to admit I like the show to. Ribbit."

"I am sorry to admit this but I like the show to." Todoroki said in his monotone voice. 

"I as well as Kirishima never heard of this Voltron tv show." Iida said.


"OOOOOO can we join! We can do a marathon!" Uraraka says.

"Yess! Anyone else in?" I ask.

Todoroki and Tsu also joined in. Once we got back to the group we asked everyone else and we got to everyone involved. Tonight is going to be a good night. :D


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