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I open my eyes and sit up on the bed. Gladly my headache and chest pain have disappeared but for some reason my clothes feel big. (Just saying he hadn't changed clothes he is still in the clothes he was in when he came to the house) I walk into the bathroom to wash up and then head back to the dorms but when I walk in and stare at the mirror I don't see me. I see a girl with green eyes and long green hair. She also had a green hoodie and pale shorts but they looked extremely big on her. 'Wait... I was wearing that to yesterday....' I start to panic and turn on the water faucet and splash cold water on my face. I look in the mirror and still see the girl. 'Okay calm down Izuku maybe mom can help?' I sprint to my moms room and knock on the door. 

"M-Mom!" I say but quickly cover my mouth after hearing how high pitch it was. 

"Y-yes Izu?" I hear as she opens the door. 

She stares at me and blinks a couple times before realizing that I looked different and went wide eyed. 

"IZUKU?! WHAT HAPPENED WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL!?" She rushes to me and starts touching my hair. 

"I-I don't know-" Then it hits me. The villain yesterday must have done this!

"I-I think it was the bad guy that attacked me yesterdays doing." I explain to my mom about the girl and the man. 

"M-mom can you take me back to U.A so I can talk to Recovery Girl about this?" I beg.

"O-of course! Anything to help my little baby! But first we need to go to the store."

"Why?" I question.

"Well now that you are a girl you need a bra." My mom says.

I turn red and cover my face with my hands.



(Im to lazy to write about them in the store so time skip to U.A.)

I hold the shopping bag filled with "girl things" as we head back to U.A. Thankfully its Saturday and everyone will most likely be asleep or in the dorms. I get down from my moms car and wave goodbye go her. 

"Text me about what happens okay Izu?" My mom asks a tint of worry in her voice.

"Ya mom I will anyway cya later." I say as she drives off. 

I quickly make my way to Recovery Girls office trying to avoid everyone. I finally make It and walk inside. She wasn't in there so I looked at the clock and realized that she isn't going to be here for another 20 minutes or so. I decide to sit down on one of the beds and wait for her to come. 'I wonder if this is permeant? I hope this doesn't effect my quirk! What if everyone hates me? DO I GO TO THE GIRLS BATHROOM OR THE BOYS?!' I then hear the door open and quickly look up to see Recovery Girl staring back at me.

"Um can I help you miss?" 

"RECOVERY GIRL! IT'S ME IZUKU MIDORYIA!" I say as I get up and dash towards her.

"M-Midoryia? Why are you a girl?"

I explain her the story of me stopping the bad guy from hurting the lady and him touching me with a blue light. 

"I-I think that his quirk changed my gender but I need to know if this is permeant or not and when the effect wears off and I really need to know if this will affect my quirk or not!" I say to her. 

"Okay just calm down. Let me run some tests and then I'll tell you the rest from there. I am also going to call All Might if you don't mind. I think he needs to know about this sudden change before anyone else."

"O-okay." I say as she turns to her laptop and starts the tests.


I sit down on the bed waiting for All Might to come so Recovery Girl can tell us the test results. We hear a knock on the door and Recovery says "Come in."

All Might walks in and before he does anything else he just stares at me and laughs.


"You HAHAHAHHA always get into weird situations BAHAHHAHA I just can't help but laugh!" He struggles to say as he is now on the floor laughing. 

"THIS IS NOT FUNNY!" I yell at him who is now laughing even harder.  

After awhile of All Might laughing he stops and stands up. 

"So what did the tests say about young Midoryia?" All Might asks.

"Well the bad news is that your new changes are permeant but the good news is that it didn't effect your quirk you will just have to get used to fighting with your new body."

'Damn it!' I think. 

"Well then my bo-I mean girl we will let you go back to your dorm and try to get used to your body." 


"Also Midoryia before you go do you want a girl uniform?"

"No!!! Just because I am a girl doesn't mean I'm going to wear skirts!" I pout.

Both Recovery Girl and All Might chuckle. 

I smile a little but a quickly hide it and walk towards the door and leave. 


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