Chapter Five: Botella Juego

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Chapter Five: Botella Juego (Bottle Game)


Through the weeks to Halloween, no pranks came from the second year boys.

It's the day of the party and Izzy, Ricky and Zoë all came over to get ready. They were putting on their things and I was putting on mine.

I had a white toga like short dress. I wore a thick gold necklace and many gold bracelets. I had fishtailed my hair down the side and slid in a band to go around my head. I add another band around my waist and sandals before going ahead with my makeup.

"You're so hot!" Izzy says.

"Thanks." I smile.

"You're drop dead gorgeous girl, you're going to get all the guys and leave everyone jealous." Zoë says.

I laugh. "I doubt that."

There's a knock on my door and I open it. Alex is standing there, dressed as a soccer player. He looks me over.

"Hello." He smiles.

"Hey." I smile back.

"You ready?" Alex asks.

"Yeah... You don't mind my friends tagging along do you?" I ask.

"Not at all." Alex smiles.

We head out, walking because and I quote Izzy, 'we'll all be too drunk to drive'.

We walk into the house, the door being left open. My eyes widen, it's amazing! It's decorated perfect for Halloween and it's full of people, not to mention the amazing music choices being played.

"Alecia has the best parties." Ricky explains.

"Normally we're always invited." Izzy says.

"She has a party for every holiday." Zoë adds.

I nod. "She sounds pretty awesome."

"She is." Izzy smiles. "I just never actually had the guts to become friends with her..."

I laugh. "Well then it's my mission to become friends with her tonight!"

Alex smiles. "But you'll leave time for me right?"

"Of course." I giggle. I spot a girl dressed as an angel. "Woah." I gasp.

"That's Alecia." Izzy says admiringly.

She's beautiful. She has brown hair pinned up in a bun with a poof at the front and shining blue eyes.

"She's shy." Izzy warns.

"Yet she holds parties...?" I ask.

"Mhm." Ricky nods.

I shrug. Alex taps my shoulder. "Wanna come get a drink?" He asks.

I nod and follow him to the punch table. I fill a cup and sip some. I can tell right away the punch has been filled with alcohol.

"So, that prank you girls did..." Alex starts.

"Heh, we meant to do that to the first year boys." I say nervously.

"Yeah, we're getting you back good." Alex smirks.


Alex smirks more. "I'll give you this, on Halloween, be ready for anything."

"That reassures me so much." I roll my eyes.

"Where are you originally from, Mexico?"

"Mhm, Mexico. All my family lives there."

"That's cool."

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