Chapter Thirty: The Dance Competition

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Chapter Thirty: The Dance Competition


Alex's POV


You have no idea how hard it is to contain a hyper Arya. You have no idea how hard it is when her ribs are broken and you're trying to keep her from hurting herself.

For a little over two weeks I treated her like a 'glass doll' as she often phrased it. Otherwise it was 'a baby puppy,' which I asked about and she explained. "A baby puppy is when the puppy is just born."

Of course, that wasn't true. And it made no sense. But arguing with Arya was hard because she never really made sense when it came to it. She'd blurt random things and talk fast and end up straying off topic to food or dancing or even school.

"Baby, little one, Hemmy, Ari, Arya." I use all the nicknames I have for her in different tones, trying to catch her attention as she stared out the window. She was bouncing in her excitement. I rarely used Hemmy or Ari, I just heard her friends call her that.

"Yes...?" Arya answers, starting to turn her head to me, though her eyes stay focused outside.

"You're gonna hurt yourself." I warn.

"No I won't!" She smiles, finally ripping her gaze away from outside.

I had parked the car next to her dance teams party bus looking vehicle. We along with few other people were allowed to park behind the building where the dance teams were.

Arya was waiting for me to help her out of the car clearly. She could do so on her own, but it hurt her more than some other things.

"Here." I hand her the bag of popcorn and a bottle of water. I assumed snacks would keep her preoccupied as we waited in the back with the team.

I get out and walk to her side, putting my hands on either side of her. One on her back and the other on her lower ribs. It was to help keep her body straight.

She had basically been grounded by her brother and I to stay in the house. I took her to her dance classes where she sat and watched and we went out for dinner once because I knew being cooped up was driving her insane. We soon figured this was the best way of me helping her.

We walk in slowly to the building. Past the rooms until we got to her dance teams. We walk in and a full blown smile is almost instantly on her face.

Her team was already there, all in costume. Doing their hair or makeup. Most of them greet her and Dani walks up.

"Arya, that chair is all yours." Dani says playfully, pointing to a plain wooden chair sitting a few feet away from the TV. Arya giggles and walks over putting her snacks underneath it before going to talk to her friends.

"You know, she's lucky she has someone like you." Dani says to me softly.

I raise my eyebrows questioningly.

"I've seen dancers before get hurt and not get to go to the competition. They're always jealous of their teammates, never coming to the competition. They're always so sad. Dancing means so much to them... Then there's Arya, she doesn't even seem to care as long as she's here. I mean, we can all see she's upset that she's not dancing but she's not jealous... I think you lent to her being so happy, you're always there and you're so supportive."

I smile. "Even without me, I'm sure she'd be fine. She's a strange one." I chuckle.

Dani laughs. "That she is."

We watch her as she starts doing someone's hair.

"She's childish." We say in unison. We laugh and talk some more before Dani has to help someone with their makeup.

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