Chapter Twenty One: Feliz Navidad

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Chapter Twenty One: Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas)

Until I get to the exciting chapters that I want to write... These ones won't be the best :/ sorryyyy.

Media... You'll see what it is in the story!


"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Izzy yells, running into my dorm.

I groan and push myself up. "What...?" I rub my eyes.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" The four girls, Zoë, Izzy, Alecia and Ricky, yell.

I laugh, now awake. "Merry Christmas girls. I thought you were all going home to your families?"

"Well, we had to give you our presents first." Zoë says in a duh tone.

"Well then I have to give you guys my presents." I smile.

I get out of bed and go to my closet, taking out and handing the presents I bought them out. They give me presents in return.

After our present exchange, they excuse themselves to go home to their families. I get dressed, putting on nicer clothes for the Christmas event. Then I head out, carrying my present for Adrian.

I meet him at his car and give him a big hug before giving him his present. He hands me mine and we open them in the car.

He got me a beautiful charm bracelet. I smile widely and hug him. It meant a lot to me. Adrian drives off, I frown when he pulls up at a house I don't know.

"Where are we...?" I ask.

"You'll see." Adrian smiles.

We walk up to the front door and Adrian knocks. Opening the door is...

"Alex!?" I ask, feeling my eyes widen.

"Merry Christmas Arya." He smiles. I take a running step and wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"Merry Christmas Alex." I smile.

"Come on, meet my family. You've been invited to the family Christmas." Alex says, hugging me back.

"Wait, what?" I gawk, pulling away.

"You and Adrian have been invited to my family Christmas." Alex says slowly.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Now come inside, I know you hate the cold." Alex says, stepping out of the way.

I walk in, followed by Adrian. "So where is everyone?"

"In the living room, the kids are all downstairs playing mini sticks or something." Alex says.

I nod and hang my coat up. "If I knew I was going to see you I would have brought your present!" I say.

"It's fine Arya." Alex laughs.

We walk to the living room where I get to meet lots of new friends!!!


We were all opening presents and I was the last one to open mine, from Alex.

I unwrap it carefully to save the wrapping paper and I know right away it's jewelry. I open the lid to the small box and I gasp. One was a infinity charm for the bracelet Adrian got me, the other a necklace. It looked like it costed a fortune, but Alex is smiling at me.

I take the necklace out, it was a silver chain with a heart with diamond like stones on is. It was gorgeous. Alex's family members all have smiles.

I get Alex to put the necklace on for me and promise never to take it off. After our little moment, the kids run off to play again. I put the charm on my bracelet.

We are served a lovely meal, and I'm surprised by how much everyone fills their plates. I shrug it off and eat my food.

To the end of the night, the rest of Alex's family dances. Adrian and I dance too. But... Alex doesn't. He's the only one who doesn't.

So, I go change that. I yank him up. "Come dance. I don't care if you 'don't dance.'" I say.

I pull him with me and move his hands with mine.

He doesn't dance much, but he does a bit and that makes me smile.

Adrian ends the fun by saying it's time to go back.

I hug Alex tight as I go to leave.

"Merry Christmas, and thank you." I say.

"Merry Christmas and no problem." Alex smiles.

He kisses me softly before I can leave. "I love you." He says after pulling away.

"I love you too." I smile and with that Adrian pulls me away.

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