
Genma was the first up in the morning, he and Raidō having stayed at Tenzō's the rest of the week to help out with Kurama. They did their normal daily work, but whenever they had free time they were with Tenzō and Kurama. They shared the guest room that was supposed to be Kurama's, but the redhead ended up staying in Tenzō's room with him.

Genma left the shared guest room, padding into the master bedroom to check on Kurama. He frowned, seeing Tenzō in bed alone. He checked the master bathroom, nope. He moved down the hall, checking the guest bathroom, nope again. He frowned deeper, concern flooding him as his steps quickened to the living room. Letting out a sigh of relief, Genma found Kurama sitting outside on the balcony, wrapped up in a blanket, curled up in a lounge chair.

Sliding open the door he stepped out, closing it behind him. "Mornin' Kurama." Genma smiled gently at the redhead but got no response, which he had expected.

Kurama kept staring out over the city, the blanket tugged over the top of his head, the only thing really visible was his face and some of his hair. He hadn't said a word since they found him in the shower a week ago. He didn't willingly move anywhere, sometimes they had to carry him. Tenzō and Genma took turns giving him a bath every day because he wouldn't do it himself.

And if they left him in the bath, he just sat there, staring at the milky water. They tried to sit on the edge of the tub and wash him, but that was pointless. They ended up having to literally get into the bath with him and properly bathe him. Tenzō was happy to do it, always ready to be close with the redhead. Genma was happy to do it because he was a little pervert and took his time with it, touching almost every inch of Kurama. So they traded days.

Raidō cooked everything, being the better cook out of the three. Though they were all in agreement that Kurama's breakfast that one morning was better than any of them could pull off. Raidō had the task of trying to get Kurama to eat, sometimes having to force feed the other male. And that was never fun, he usually ended up clawed and bitten.

The trio was getting increasingly worried. It had been a week and Kurama was doing no better than the day they found him all blue and frozen. Except for this morning. This was the first morning Kurama had gotten up himself and was elsewhere in the house aside from Tenzō's bed. Genma saw this as an improvement.

"I need a training ground can that can handle a lot of destruction, or won't be used by anyone other than me." Kurama's soft voice cut through the cool morning like a whip. Genma hadn't heard his voice for days, it was like a harsh slap to suddenly hear it again. It was rough, from lack of use, but still harmonious to hear.

Genma looked at Kurama, swallowing some. "Planning on training?" He decided to act like this entire week hadn't happened and that they hadn't been essentially taking care of a catatonic Kurama.

Kurama gave one slight nod. "Mn." He closed his eyes. "I only have two weeks until my testing." He had finally come around that morning, snapping out of whatever numb filled, apathetic world he had slipped into. Honestly, he didn't remember the last weak, at all, having completely dissociated the entire time. The only reason he knew it had been a week was when he'd gone into the kitchen for a glass of water and saw the calendar. He'd almost dropped the glass.

Now he was focusing his brain back onto his mission. He had to get formally accepted into Konoha, get into the Anbu as either the black ops or Hunter-nin. He preferred hunter-nin because he would be able to work alone and take care of everything else he needed to do. Once he got accepted and achieved the ranks he desired, he could go out and talk to his brothers and sisters. He could meet with Orochimaru, Obito, and Kabuto, go and see the Akatsuki. He even planned to stop in Kiri, one for Isobu, and two for Zabuza and Haku, if they were still there, otherwise he'd have to hunt them down.

The Right Way Around: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now