Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

After that whirlwind of a ride, Cynasia dropped me off a couple blocks from my house under the guise of getting in trouble for skipping. In reality, I just didn't want her (or anyone) to know were I live.

I sneaked in through my window, cause I have a cliche tree that I can climb to my room. I figured no one was home, but I wasn't taking any chances. They usually didn't have a reason to hit me, so if they did I'm sure it would be worse.

After ensuring that no one was home, I relaxed in my room. Well, as relaxed as I could be knowing Dean knew my secret. I had to figure out a way to keep him quiet and not try to "protect" me. I'm sure he means well (psh, yeah right. That was sarcasm) but I really don't want or need his...what he calls help. "Why can't he just leave me alone~" I moaned flopping into my bed, instantly regretting it as my side sparked in pain.

After thinking about it for awhile, all through cooking dinner, I realized first and foremost he couldn't be allowed to find out were I live. If he did, who knows beat could happen. So mabye K's cousin will help me out on this's a long shot, but since she's related to K I'm sure she would be up for some fun. I've got it! I'll tell them that Dean is stalking me, and trying to find out were I live! Yes! Perfect!

After figuring out this plan, I felt quite accomplished. As long as I avoided him Richard wouldn't be that much of a problem, and I imagine he will give up soon. He tends to have trouble with commitment (insert bitter laugh here) but either way, the stalker story should cover it. I don't want to try to figure out /why/ Dean is so concerned about me; that might give me false hope (but for what? It's not like I like that hott- narcissist anyway) Not liking the other my thoughts are taking, I decided to focus my whole attention on cooking dinner. Burning something wouldn't be good.

The rest of the night passed uneventfully (thankfully) and school came, which I can't wait to get to so I can put my stalker plan into action! Even though I would just ask K to drive me, apperantly she is in the theatre club, which is doing a major production, so she has rehearsals pretty much every day leading up to the performance (which happens just before a break) so she is totally busy. (A/N: sorry for the run on sentence:]) I'm hoping to get her to convince her cousin to help me, cause that would be helpful cause it's helping me...hehe, you get the point.

I walked into school with my head down and hood up, just managing to make it by Queenie without being noticed by her or her cliche. Plopping down next to K, I began to spin my stalker story. One of my better ideas I must say.

"So, K, you know how Dean was running after me yesterday?"

"Yes! And then Gracey tackled him and ran off? And did you see the crazy lady with fluffy hair that was running from a midget with a match?! It was pure gold! And then-"

"Uh, thanks K, can I finish my thought real fast? Then you can tell the story."

"Oh yeah, of course!"

Phew, that was a close one. I would never be able to interupt her once she really got going. Though what is wrong with this school. Isn't fire against the rules?

I shook my head cause my thoughts were going /way/ off track.

"Anyway, I'm afraid he's trying to stalk me, and since I walk to my house it would be easy to follow me...I was hoping that maybe you could ask Cynasia to drive me, since you'll be busy..." I held my breath, hoping she would agree, to at least ask her.

"Sure thing! I'm sure she would love to do it! And if he gets to annoying she can always bite him!"

"Uhh...okay, thanks for asking her!" I happily replied, deciding to ignore the whole biting part of the comment.

"Oh!" K exclaimed "I still need to tell you about the thief looking guy who came after the midget and the fluffy! And then..." She continued talking, but I tuned her out a bit. Non of the things she was saying made sense, and why would all those wackos happen to be in the same parking lot at the same time anyway? "Hehe" I thought to myself, "I could totally imagine them being related or at least friends to that Gracey chick."


Cynasia had been more than happy to help me out, and we had gotten to be friends over the two months leading up to the one week break we got. I can't figure out why we are getting a break, but never look a gift horse in the mouth right? Anyway, Cynasia was actually pretty nice, although she had tried to bite me on occasion. I still have no idea what that's about.

Dean dodging became second nature to me, and I could win at it I'm the Olympics. Well, if Dean dodging was a sport. At school I stayed out of the hallways, next to K, or just plain hiding to keep out of his sight, and on the way home I rode with Cynasia. She can drive crazy good, and we loose Dean every single time (cause he has tried to tail us often)

Today was no different, and as soon as I was in the car Cynasia tore off out of the parking lot, leaving Dean not even in his car for once. Usually he was out here before we were. I wonder if he's alright, maybe he's finally given up?...for some reason this sent a pang through my chest, which I quickly reprimanded. "No, you don't care. It doesn't matter if he gives up. Your life is so much easier." I told myself staring out the car window.

We reached my house, (well, my street. She still didn't know exactly were I live) and I jumped out and waved goodbye. I hurried home as soon as she had disappeared from sight, and then began to clean the house up. If it got to messy, I would be in big trouble.

I had just finished cleaning and went to my room to rest a few moments before starting dinner when I heard what sounded like rocks hitting glass. I stood up to listen and the sounds led me to my own window! Startled I looked out my window only to find Dean sitting in the cliche tree and gesturing me to open the window. I was so in shock that I didn't even think of resisting; I simply opened the the window and stepped aside so he could come in.

As soon as he landed on my floor I came to my senses, and suddenly realized that I was wearing a tank top. It's not that I'm self conscious or anything; it's that there are several bruises and scares made be my father and brother marking my arms . He already knows I'm being abused and doesn't like it... These injuries may not help my case to leave me alone.

Before I could grab a sweatshirt, Dean suddenly grabbed me the arms and pulled me close to him. I freaked out a little, but he whispered into my ear "it's okay, I've got you" and then...he kissed me. On the lips. I wish I could describe it, but it was so shocking that I really didn't have a chance to dwell on it. The only things I can really remember are the fact it was warm and tingly.

The next moment wasn't anywhere near as pleasan- I mean- oh, may as well say it, pleasant as Dean's kiss. Because the next moment I heard the front door slam and foot steps coming up the stairs. And a big vioce booming "where are you you little brat? Come get me some beer, you ungrateful b*tch. I've been working all day..." I stopped focusing on his rant and began to freak out. He wasn't supposed to be home till later, yet here he was coming towards her room...

Making an executive decision I shoved a suprised Dean into my closet, closed the door, and whispered "if you come out it'll be worse. So stay in there." I was able to face the door just in time for my father to stumble in, alcohol on his breath, evil smirk on his lips, and hand raised in the universal "I'm going to slap you" sign. I inwardly sighed. There was no way good can come of this.

A/N: I completely exhausted, but I knew I needed to finish this before I slept. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but school is about to start and all so it's been busy. Hopefully I can get into a more regular updating schedule. Please excuse any mistakes I made, cause it's 2:30 am here and I can barley keep my eyes open to write this. Why don't I just end it you say? Cause I have two things to say:

1) THANKS FOR ALL THE FOLLOWS AND READS YOU GUYS! Without yall this would of never happend, cause really it's you guys who keep me going whenever I'm ready to give up. I'm like "sleep...sleep..." And then I rember all the new followers I've had recently and I'm like "sleep...sleep...but must update..." So pat yourselves on the back, you deserve it!

2) how do you delete a section of your story? Can you? I need to delete preview of chap 10 but I don't know how. Any help would be nice.

Goodnight! Or morning! Or wherever you are right now. Please comment, vote, and fan! -LG, WHO LOVES YOU ALL!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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