chapter 2: I hate being new. seriously.

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Chapter 2: I hate being new. Seriously. 

"What's going on here?" Says the boy who just walked in as he brushes a strand of his slightly curly dark brown hair away from his eyes. Of the girls watching what was going on, at least two thirds of them must of swooned. Swooned! I hated this guy already.

"She," ( "Queenie" fake sniffles. I gag.) "she insulted me and she doesn't even know who I am. She's new here. She shouldn't insult me" and with that she promptly bursts into tears. Again. He pats her gently on on the back and turns his chocolate eyes on me, "look, Ginger, I'm sure she didn't mean it. Right..." His questioning tone says he's asking for a name, but I don't give him one. Instead I look him strait in the eyes and say, " Oh no, your wrong, I meant every word of it." I turn and walk away, not really sure where I'm headed until I see a hand gesturing for me to come.

Since I have no other plan, I head strait for the hand. As I draw closer, I realize the hand is attached to a friendly looking, if dressed a bit strangely, girl with a laptop under her arm.

Tugging on the sleeves of my long sleeved shirt I take in her appearance. With bright (as in currlean) blue eyes, an equally, if not moreso, bright blue shirt (with writing I couldn’t read) , and orange pants that in no way shape or form go with the rest of her assemble, and she was a site to see. Add that with the black fingerless glove, red cowboy boots, and the finishing touch, practically neon purple streaked hair, and I was not only almost blinded (she practically glowed) but also totally amazed at her bravery. I might of just yelled at the queen bee, but wearing that outfit was on a whole other level of guts.

Coming to a stop in front of her, I stared at her until she extended the hand wich had been waving at me. I then stared at it. She giggled, and said “I wont bite…well not to hard! Im Kathrine Fransis Elliot, but you can call me K. so youre new? Well, stupid question, of course you are! And you're so amazing, standing up to Ginger like that! Do you want to be my friend? Great! So I can call you Heart, right? Nice to meet you Heart!”

This was all said so quickly it took me a moment to understand, but once I did I smiled and shook her oustreched hand. I had the feeling I had just made my first friend.

After shaking hands with K, the rest of the day went by in a blur. I was a sophomore, and soon discovered she was as well. We both had the same classes, exept for when it came to electives. I had art, and she was in drama. Many wispers followed in my wake, but luckily nobody tried anything…my only thought was that I was either going to be got after school or tomorrow. Call it a womans intuition, but I knew that Quennie would not let it go that I had insulted her in front of the whole school. K’s story of what had happened to the last girl to mess with her (wich caused me shudder at the mere rembrance of it) didn’t help my confidence in the least. I had also learned that she was indeed the cheer captian (my guees had proved right) and the identitly of the (I have to admit) hot guy who had come to her rescue.

His name was Dean Prince, and he was indeed all that I had described except her boyfriend. I hated him. And not the “ romance story girl-meets-guy-she-hates-but-actully-(-ends-up-)-falling-in-love-with-him” kinda way. I had already learned my lesson when it came to that.

Before I could drift off into painful memorys, I was greeted with the fresh air of the outside as I was pushed out the front doors of the school following all the mindless sheep. I was really tempted to baah. Turning and saying my goodbyes to K, I began the long walk to my house. I refused to call it a home.

Mentally cursing the fact that I didn’t have a car, I didn’t notice the one that pulled up along side me and began to roll along at my pace until, turning to cross the street, I ran into it, promptly falling on the ground. I didn’t fall to hard or far (hate to admit it, but im kinda short) but it jared my ribs and I winced and held them. They had been bruised a few days ago when-

My thoughts were cut off as a familiar voice spoke and filled me with dread “you know, you should really look  both ways before you cross a road. You may get hit.”. I looked up sharply, and immediently wished I hadn’t as two large brown eyes met my own. A smirk decorated his face, and amusment glinted in his eyes. “ Dean Prince” I said In a no nonsense tone. “the one and only!” he replied mockingly, but hen his manner abrupty changed, leaving me slightly shocked. “are you alright? Do you a ride?” he asked, genuine concern coloring his voice.

“no thank you. I can get to my house on my own, no jerks needed.” I stated, and his features changed once again, this time into overexagerated hurt. “that hurt! Now why don’t you get in the car, please?” he whined, his expresion matching his voice with big puppy dog eyes. “no.” I said, getting up and walking away, deciding to take a different route home. “but why?” he called after me, and I could hear his car rumbling up behind me. “because I hate you. So just leave me alone.” I replied, never once looking back, but hearing his car abruptly stop following me.

Thank all the turtles in the world I thought as any sounds of pursute ended, and I made my way towards hell, I mean my house, without any further delays. All I knew was, I had better have dinner ready before dad and my older brother got home or… well, I’ll just leave it at or…


so I'm really sorry for not updating in so long... and for any spelling/grammar errors. i tried to fix the obvious ones but its late (or early, i is 12 AM...) and while i should really be asleep i just had to write this. i didnt actually think this would get read, so imagine my suprise when trying to figure out the stupid app (wich i love! dont get me wrong!) it had like 42 reads and 2 votes. all i can say is: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! you have no idea how much it means to me...the next chapter will provide somemore info on her past (possibly) and you will get to meet the mentioned relitives, as well as recive insight on why its a house and not a home. any ideas why? leave in the comments and let me know! i already have it planned...but im quite curiose as to what people think...and you get imaginary cholate cake for reading thus far! *passes out slices*

apoligising for the long author's note, and promising for a quick update (mabye a week or so?), LG

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