The past and sudden apearences

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I had met Richard when I went to my old school, he is a year above me. In all honesty, when he first began talking to me I hated him. Simply because he was the 'it' guy of the school. But slowly he broke down my walls and I fell in love. From the first date at the movies, to the sight that broke my heart.

I had trusted Richard with everything, he even knew that my father and brother were abusive (though it wasn't as bad back then cause of...okay, that's a diffrent story) and he still wanted to be with me. It made me feel special, and loved, and I fell even harder. He was fine with me staying over if it got to bad, and I did that often.

Many a day and night were spent with Richard, talking and dreaming of the future. He never made me go any farther than I wanted to, and I never tried to...go that far. I was happy with the way things were, but as always good things must come to an end (curse whoever said that, they jinxed me)

Jenny was the end to my happiness. It was a typical Friday, and I was on my way to Richard's house. I didn't bother to call ahead, and sometimes I wish I had. But I guess what I learned was for the better.

When I got there, I parked my bike and walked in using the key under the mat. I first knew something when I saw the heels dropped in the foyer. Richard didn't have any sisters, and his parents were on a business trip so it couldn't be his mum's.

As I made my way to his room, I encountered a girl's shirt, and then a skirt. When I saw the purse I felt tears welling in my eyes, but refused to belive it. I knew the purse, in fact I had been there when it was purchased. When I opened the door though my worst fears were confirmed. A flash of blonde hair revealed it was jenny who was with my boyfriend.

I had become pretty good friends with jenny, as she was part of Richard's group of friends. Tall, curvy, and gorgeous, she was everything I'm not. She and Richard had actully been a couple a few months before we had gotten together, but I was assured that they were now just friends.

Seeing them together had shattered my heart, and when Richard had called later I told him that I knew about then and we were over. He tried to contact me, but I completly ignored him. About two months after that we had moved. And now it seemed he was back.

I was jerked out of painful memories by a hand on my shoulder, and following it up I was met with purple eyes belonging to K. Seems she often wore colored contacts...I don't even know what her real eye color is...

"Wanna go shopping?" I was questioned by her. I blinked in response, a bit suprised at her sudden question. Wait, about her sudden appearance in genral! Before I could give a real response, I was told 'great! Let's go!' And dragged off.

I have no idea why, but it seems like sudden appearances are becoming normal...I just hope the next one isn't made by Dean.

A/N: sry for the shortness of it, but wanted to get her past (some of it up) hope you enjoyed it! And I would rather have a comment than a vote, so pls...comment *puppy dog eyes*

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