Chapter 6: malls and hell

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Chapter 6: malls and hell
I took a sip of my coke as I waited for K to come out of the dressing room. After failing to convince me to try on 'the most perfect miniskirt EVER' she herself had decided to see how it looked. I had no doubt she would look awesome, as she had the figure and personality to pull off virtually anything.

Looking around the store, I saw pretty much nothing that I would, or really could wear. Every thing was either to short, to tight, or...just not there! I mean, does that even qualify as clothing?! I thought as I glared at a particularly bright 'shirt'. I finally saw a section that had some jeans, that weren't ripped in half or tighter than a corset, as well as some long sleeved t's.

I nod to myself, deciding that as soon as K shows me her outfit I would head over to that section to try and find /something/ reasonable. Turning back to face the dressing rooms I was met with an...interesting sight. In leg warmers (where did she get those?! I didn't even know they made them anymore!) and the miniskirt she so loved, K paraded out of the dressing room. On the upper half of her body was the exact top I had been glaring at earlier,'d be easier to explain what it isn't showing! Yes, /that/ little was covered. Now do you understand my glare?

She twirled around, giggling. "Soooo? What do you think?!" She asked, just as bubbly as ever. "I think that you wouldn't be able to wear that to school." I replied, and then felt guilty for ruining her fun when she got gloomy. "But it looks perfect on you. Mabye you can wear it next time we go shopping?..." She perked up after I added this, giving me a yes and then babbling about what other stores she wanted to visit.

I followed her through the mall, still thinking about the jeans I had seen in the previous store we had been in, wondering if I had enough money. I was so preoccupied, I failed to notice the strong, muscular figure in front of me and ran straight into one of my worst guessed it, Dean Prince.

I started to fall towards the ground, however unlike last time I didn't end up on the ground. Instead i ended up cradled in his arms. I didn't realize who it was at first, and began to apologize when I looked up and into his eyes. I knew who it was imediantly, and struggled to get out of his grip.

Even if I hated him, I usually would of still thanked him. Probably before slapping him (but that's kinda besides the point...). However, the look in his eyes told me I needed to get out of there, and quick. In his eyes I had seen curiosity and confusion, and I knew he wanted to know who Richard was, and probably answer his whole 'why do you hate me' question.

I managed to get out of his grip, and he was just opening his mouth to say something when K saved me, yet again. She ran into me from some unknown direction and squealed "big sale" before I was rushed off to whatever store was having a 'big sale'. For the once, I didn't mind shopping. It had saved me from talking with Dean. However, I knew that couldn't last forever. I needed to come up with something to say to him, or I am screwed...

That thought occupied my mind the rest of the shopping trip, which was luckily met with no more sudden appearances, would-be-models or otherwise. I ended up with a new pair of jeans, and NOT the booty shorts K was cheering for. A) I have NO tan B) why spend money on something that is barely large enough to count as shorts C) (not that I can tell her this) but the bruises on my legs would show.

I manged to convince K to not walk me 'home', saying her parents would want to see her new outfits. It wasn't to far of a walk, maybe four or five miles, but I had to practically jog it (which is painful with bruised ribs) to be able to have dinner cooked and ready on time. Luckily, I made it, and was just pulling out the Mac-n-cheese when Jimmy walked in, slightly stumbling and obviously drunk.

"Hey sis," he slurred "go get your brother a beer, will ya?" He 'walked' to where I was standing, and glared at me. I just stood there, then set the Mac-n-cheese on the counter and hurried to the fridge. I hated it when he came home already drunk, cause he was about 5x more violent.

As I handed him his drink, he kicked my shin causing me to flinch and take a step back, though I resisted the urge to scream and hold my leg. I bit my lip, hard, trying to hold back tears.

"Well, you didn't drop it" he said, showing his obvious displeasure at that. I knew that wouldn't hold him back from hitting me for long. As the case was, it wasn't till father was home and I was carrying the food in that he decided to do anything.

I walked by his chair to get to father, carrying the Mac-n-cheese in one hand a two fresh beers in another. His foot ended up in my path, I'm sure not by accident, and I tripped, the food flying out of my hand and landing on father.

As I looked up from my place on the ground,I could tell that I was in for a hell of a beating. The way his eyebrows scrunched and gave turned slightley red were good indicators, but the main one was the way he said "stand up" in a voice trembling with barley restrained anger.

I did as I was told, standing up just to be quickly thrown to the ground. I squinched my eyes shit and bit my lip as several well aimed kicks battered my rib cage. I was yanked up by the hair, and slapped, then tossed to the floor again. After a few moments, father got up and made his way to the door, saying something about sleep and beer.

Jimmy laughed and stared down at me, throwing in a few kicks himself. Then he walked off as well. I dragged myself to my feet, holding onto the table for much needed support, and began to make my way back to the kitchen. I slowly and painfully put away dishes.

After the kitchen work was done, I pretty much dragged myself up the stairs to get to my room. I collapsed on the bed, to tired and hurt to change into pjs. As I fell into sleep, only one thought was on my mind "there is no way I'm going to school tomorrow..."

A/N: would be supercalufrajalisticexpeallidotus (yeah, I doubt even Mary popins herself could spell that) and squinched is indeed a word!!! At least, in my dictionary. I'm thinking of doing the next chapter in Dean's POV, since Amelia is going to be out of commission. Thoughts? Yes? No? Thank you so much for reading and putting up with my slow updates =^^= you can thank a certain cheetoguy/panda for this one. You know who you are...;)

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