Chapter 1: how NOT to make friends with your new school's head cheerleader

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Chapter 1: how NOT to make friends with your new school's head cheerleader

As soon as I walked into the school, I could already tell where I would be grouped. I mean, it's not like I don't like being classified as a geek. In fact, I'm really kinda proud that I know a whole lots of random facts about an amazingly large number of books. Shortened, that basically means I'm a bookworm. What I don't like is the way the"cool" kids treat me and fellow geeks. I mean, come on, stop picking on us and get a life!

I walked into what appeared to be a gym,where people were (I'm guessing) waiting for class to start , and could immediately see the boundery lines. I started to make my way toward the groups of people in glasses and braces, all holding books or talking, or both. I quickened my pace, keeping my head down and trying not to look like a new girl. It was apperintly working until..."Oh my goodness! I can not believe that you little rat just ran into me! Now I proably have some sort of diese..."

It went on like that for a while, my eyes focusing on her designer shoes with dread. She was most definently popular, the way her friends began to gather around her, assuring her that her hair was fine, that her makeup was good. One even said that even if she(she being me) had ruined her makeup she would still be the most beatiful girl in school. Suck up much? "You know, those shoes look a lot like Alison's..." I thought. I shuddered and pulled myself out of painful memories of Richard, to realize her winey, criticizing voice had gone quiet. "Your new, aren't you? Well, people like you are over there" she flicked her hand towards the groups of geeks and nerds, and I got mad.

Okay, so before you jump to conclusions, I am not hulk. But when I get mad, I have the tendency to be a little, well, rude. And I get the uncontrollable urge to find some way to make them (the people who made me mad) terribly mad. I'm really good at it.

"What makes me one of 'those' people? Is it because I don't wear designer clothes and high heels? Because I read a lot of books? Because I'm not a mindless minion ready to follow around your every order? What makes you queen around here anyway? I can guess at that answer. Your a snobby, backstabbing, cheerleading,proably rich girlfriend of the most popular guy in school. You know, it all comes down to one thing. your a-" I stopped mid rant to realize the entire room was staring at me.

While it had felt good to vent my emotions, it was not the best way to start my first day at this school. And the way everyone was holding their breath, staring intently at us, did not bode well for making friends. I turned back to the"queen of this small town high school"(Queenie , to make it short) to see her seething. She looked me in the eyes and I was chilled to the bone. Man she had some scary blue eyes."" she said through clenched teeth." Amelia. My friends call me Heart, but you can stick with Amelia." Around the room, people drew in sharp breaths, obviously afraid of what might happen next.

"Why you little..." She trailed off as the doors opened and a gust of cold air entered the room. People parted to make a pathway for whoever was approaching, and "Queenie" looked at me whith malice. "This is not over" she growled, and then began to cry. Or, to be more accurate, to fake cry. But she was convincing, and her threat had only been heard by me. Her minions crowded around her, glaring and shaking their heads at me. I shrugged and turned to go when I saw who was making his way through the crowd.

While I didn't know his name, who he was, or why every one was acting like he was a god, if I had one bet, it would be that he was the king to the designer shoe wearing evil cheerleader queen. Only with what seemed to be ten times more power over the student body. Just lovely.

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