Chapter 7: Just curious

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"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled as I stepped into the house. "Hey sweetie" she appeared from the kitchen, smiling and drying her hands on a dish towel. "Did you have a good time at the mall? Find anything you had to have?" I laughed and shook my head. "Nawh, just hung out with the guys. It was...interesting." I replied, thinking of Amelia.

After telling me dinner would be ready in an hour, she went back to the kitchen and I headed to my room. Getting there, I flopped on the bed, after shedding my shirt. Staring at the ceiling, I couldn't help but think of Amelia.

She was different, especially since she had insulted Ginger and 'hated' me. I figured I'd just find out why she hates me, maybe tease her a little (cause really, who could actually hate this face?) but now I was interested. Not in her of course, but about her. I mean, who was that guy? Why had she stormed off? And what was with her expression at the mall?

Groaning, I rolled over on my bed. Thinking about her just made me have more questions. I reached for my phone, deciding I'd text Jonny and see what he was up to. Jonny is my best friend, since who knows how long, and always one to talk to if you needed to get your mind off something.

(A/N: -means its a text-)

-Hey Jonny, you doin anything?

It took a few minutes for him to reply, and I spent that time scrolling through my Facebook feed.

-not really, what ya want?

-nothing, just bored

-look man, I know something's been up with you ever since the mall. What happened?

This stunned me for a few moments, but then again he was my best friend for a reason. I could lie to him, but...actually, I wondered what his opinion was on her...

-what's your opinion on Amelia?


-the new girl. Pissed Ginger off?

-that chick! Well she has guts. And she could be hot, under all those clothes. You'd think she was a nun or somethin

This made me mad for a moment, though I didn't know why. Why did I want to defend her?... I glanced back down at my phone to see he had sent another text.

-don't tell me you like her man

-hell no! I'm just curios, that's all.

-yeah yeah, sure

I threw my phone on the nightstand, deciding not to grace him with a reply.

I slammed my hand onto the snooze button, and rolled out of bed. Usually I would lie there for a few minutes, but for some reason I really wanted to get to school...shaking my head when unwanted thoughts of a certain girl entered my mind, I threw on some clothes, grabbed my keys, said by to my mom and was out of there.

When I pulled into a parking spot in the school, I hopped out, hurrying to get to the doors to see if /she/ was there yet. I stepped in, ignoring the lustful and envious looks that were thrown my way. I glanced around the room, my gaze lingering on Ginger and her posse for a moment, but when seeing no sign of her came to rest on the weird chick who stole her away in the mall yesterday.

I walked over to her, ignoring the questioning stares and the surprised gaze of Ginger when I walked right by her without sparing a glance. When I finally reached the weird girl, she looked up from her laptop and I was startled to see she had red eyes. Not like, bloodshot. Her pupils were literally red!

"Uhh...hi?" I said, and mentally cursed myself. I was Dean Prince! I didn't get scared of freaky chicks with red eyes that creepily lit up in excitement when I said hi....

"Omygosh you are dean prince!!! Hey, weren't you at the mall yesterday? Yeah, you were holding Heart. Do you know where she is? WAIT! Are you two together? I TOTALLY SHIP IT!" She then stared at me expectantly, as though waiting for me to answer her question. But which one?...

Okay, time to get serious. "No, we are just friends." Weren't we? Well, maybe not. But we would be one day. "So please don't...'ship it'" whatever that means "and I was actually coming to ask you if you knew where Amelia was." She looked at me for a moment, then crossed her arms and said "I don't believe you." "What don't you not believe?" "Her friends call her Heart. Obviously, you aren't her friend. So I wouldn't tell you where she is, even if I knew." With that she returned to her laptop and ignored me, while I just stood there in a daze. What had just happened?

After standing there another moment, the bell rang and we were released to class. The entire day I wondered if she was okay. At the end of the day I met up with Jonny, who I had learned had the last class of the day with her. I somehow managed to get out of him that she was absent, without being to suspicious.

Laying in bed that night, I couldn't help but wonder where in the world Amelia had been today, and hope that she would be at school tomorrow. Not that I was worried. I just wanted to ask about that guy. Yes, that was all.


Hey I just wrote this
And this is crazy
But there's the vote button-->
And comment mabye

Oh yes I did XD

I would of updated sooner, but life got in the way. Don't worry though, I'm excited to see what happens next so chapter 8 will be written and put up soon =^^= also, what did yall think of dean's POV? And who else refuses to put the apostrophe in yall? (Random, but really, it's one word in my book) and a shout out to a certain panda, cause I only gave him a crumb of cake ;)
So please comment, and give me some feed back. I also wanted to thank yall for ALMOST 700 READS OMYKAMI!!!! It means so much *tear tear* anyway, be off little turtles!!! Don't let the t-Rex eat you!

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