"We are NOT Lovebirds."

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"Hey, Winter?" Moon called from the storage closet. He poked his head through the doorway. "We're really low on food in here." She held up the nearly empty bag of dog food. 

"I swear they just bought some more." He strode over and peered into the bag. "Huh. That's strange. Did you check the  kennels?" Moon shoved the bag back up on the shelf. She had to stand on her tiptoes to slide it into it's designated spot.

"Yep. That's why I came back here." Moon jumped as a shrill bark pierced the air. "Looks like Bandit wants to come out."

Winter shrugged, a slow smile spreading across his face. "I'm sure we could arrange that." Moon returned the grin. They reached the kennel in no time. Bandit's tail thumped against the walls of the kennel, his feet moving like he was playing the floor was lava.

"Hey Bandit! Hey buddy!" Winter cooed. Moonwatcher laughed. She always loved how he was around animals, especially Bandit. 

He looks up from the sweet little pup. "What's so funny?"

Moon crouched down next to him, reaching her hand through the thin bars of the kennel. Bandit sniffed it, the began to lick it excessively. "I just think you too would be a good pair. Are a good pair. Why don't you adopt him?" She suggested hesitantly. She'd grown a bit closer to him as the weeks had worn on, through lots of volunteering. He may not fully trust her yet, but she has to get through to him eventually. Winter seemed like a genuinely nice guy when he wasn't lashing out at you.

She really wished she hadn't added that last part. Even though his face was only crestfallen for a second, she could tell how much he wanted that to be a reality. 

He brought his hand up and casually rubbed his neck. "My family's not really the 'animal type' if you know what I mean."

Moon nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, I do. I'm sure I would adopt one if I could, but my mom is never home, so I don't know if it would be the best idea."

"Maybe it'd keep you company. You know, cause of your lack of friends," he teased.

"I have friends. I mean, I'm friends with Kinkajou, so all her's are apparently mine," Moon added. Winter nodded, smirking. 

"Sure. Now can we get this dog out? I think he's about to die from excitement." They both turned to look at Bandit. His dark eyes blended in with his black eyepatch, a contrast to his muzzle covered in mostly white fur. He grinned back at them, his tongue sticking limply out the side of his mouth.

"Good idea." Moon turned the latch on his kennel and he came bursting out, toppling over the raven haired teen.

"GAH!" Bandit licked her like his life depended on it. Winter laughed as he grabbed the harness from off the wall.

He led Bandit off Moon and readied the harness. "Bandit, sit." Bandit happily obliged, taking a seat next to him, fluffy tail thumping against the cheaply tiled floor. 

"When did you teach him that?" Moon asked as they began to walk back into the lobby.

"He's known it for a while. I want to make sure he's trained so he'll appeal more to people looking for an easy pet. Don't know why he hasn't been adopted yet though."

Moon shrugged. "I don't know either. I was sure he was a shoe in. He really is the sweetest-"

"And where are YOU two lovebirds going?" A voice rang through the tiny little lobby, stopping the trio from walking out the door. 

Both of their faces turned bright red as they turned to the receptionist. She had one angular eyebrow raised.

"What did you say?" Winter asked.

"Where are you going?"

"No, before that."

"Lovebirds?" Now both eyebrows were raised, quite skeptically.

Winter silenced the thought with a wave of his hand. "No, we're not."

"Yah. Just friends." Moon perked up. The redness in her face had started to fade away, but she could tell it was still there. She was surprised to find Winter's face not his usual icy pale either.

The receptionist nodded slowly. "Sure thing kiddos. But can someone tell me where you two are going with that dog?" Everyone glanced down at Bandit.

Moon let Winter take the stage. "Just to the pet store. We're all out of food in the back, and Bandit needs to stretch his legs," he said.

"Alright, just be back by 5. I'm closing up early tonight." She waved them off, going back to her stack of papers. What she was doing with them, Moon didn't know. No one ever actually came to adopt any of the animals. 

"Bye!" Moon waved as they exited the building, the little bell echoing through the tiny shelter.

Author's Note

TO BE CONTINUED!! DUH DUH DUH! Don't worry it'll get better. I hope this like at least 15% satisfies Winterwatcher fans, and if not, there is more to come VERY soon! A two-part Christmas gift for you guys! Hope you enjoyed, and please vote and comment if you liked! Your support really inspires me to keep writing! 

See you very soon my friends! Merry Christmas! 

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