Let's put on a Show

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Qibli's POV

Out with old and in with the new. At least, that's what Thorn always said. It was officially time for his sophomore year at Jade Academy. Qibli wasn't exactly sure he was ready for it, but he'd at least try.

Qibli had been trying to get used to all the new looks he'd been receiving from everyone since he joined the football team. Especially the girls. Sheesh! He used to be just another one of the faces in the crowd, but now everybody knew who he was!

It was a good change, but it left less time for him to hang out with Umber, his best friend. They didn't hang out as much as they used too, and Qibli felt bad about it. He'd find a way to make it up to him somehow.

Walking through the beige halls of the school Qibli caught Changbai's face in the crowd and waved a hand up above everyone to get his attention.

"Changbai! Wait up dude!" Changbia saw Qibli and made his way over to him.

"Hey, Qibli! You ready to get that trophy this year and beat those goody two shoes over at Pyrrhian Prep? Cause I know I am." Changbai gave the air a fist bump with excitement.

"You bet I am!" Qibli said excitedly. "Well, I better go. Don't want to be late on the first day!" Qibli gave his friend a high five and walked off.

Before he got too far he heard some commotion coming from around the corner and went to see what all the racket was about.

What he saw didn't surprise him. A girl about Qibli's age was crouching down on the floor while Winter looked down at her like he was a king and she was a peasant (Something he did quite often). She had a small figure and sparkling green eyes. Qibli shook his head angrily and walked over to Winter, deciding he had to intervene.

"Winter, what do you think you're doing?" Qibli shoved Winter away from the girl and stood between the two of them.

Winter tried to push past Qibli but couldn't get through. "It's none of your business, Qibli, but if you absolutely must know, I'm teaching this person to watch where she's going!"

Qibli shoved Winter back further. "Listen. I know you think your all majestic and higher than everyone in this anarchy because your aunt is the mayor, but your not. Understand?"

Winter rolled his eyes angrily. "Of course I do. If anything you're the one who needs to learn where you fit in here."

A wave of anger roared in Qibli's ears. "You got some nerve-" He stopped himself. Don't let him get under your skin Qibli. Deep breath. Qibli took his own advice and started again. "OK, well, I don't think you really do understand. You know why I think that?

Winter glared angrily at him.

"Because your version of teaching someone a lesson is to YELL AT THEM UNTIL THEY'RE DEAF!"


"BUT IT'S OK FOR YOU TO RAISE YOUR VOICE AT EVERYONE ELSE? THAT HARDLY SEEMS FAIR!" Qibli was so mad he barely noticed principal Glory pushing her way through the gathering crowd.

She stepped between the two of them with an expression her face that said she wanted to kill them, but couldn't because she was the principle and she had to set an example for everyone else. "Boys! What is going on here?" Glory said angrily.

The two boys stopped arguing instantly and turned to face the principal. "Nothing Ms. Glory. We're just practicing for..." Think, Qibli, think! "For a play! That's it!" Glory gave him a skeptical look.

"And what is the name of this play?"

"Um... 'There is no need to raise your voice at me?'" Qibli said, question in his voice.

Glory gave them another skeptical look. "Really? What type of play is this? It definitely isn't one I've ever heard of before."

    Winter finally chimed in. "It's an opera! We're the lead singers!" What!? No! Winter! Qibli wanted to go and smack him for being such an idiot.

    Glory put her hands on her hips. "Let me get this straight: the two of you are performing as lead singers in an opera called 'there is no need to raise your voice at me,' and you decided to perform it in the hallways to give everyone a preview?"

Qibli shrugged. "Yep! That's basically the whole thing." Winter nodded alongside him.

    "Alright. I'll let you both off the hook, but I don't want to see any more of these shenanigans. Understand me?" She said.

"Understood!" Qibli and Winter said at the same time. Glory walked off, clearly not satisfied.

Winter turned back to Qibli. "I'm gonna kill you." He said coldly.

"In your dreams," Qibli said back, standing up to his full height. Winter stalked off, leaving Qibli alone in the hallways, except for the girl he'd been protecting. Wait, no, he really was alone. She was gone. Must have escaped in the commotion. I don't blame her.

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