Vanilla is adventurous!

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Moonwatcher's POV

Moon had to admit she was a little nervous. Okay, maybe a lot nervous. But that was fine, right? She'd never really been alone with a boy before. She was usually just by herself most of the time. 

The ravenette stood in front of the school, the breeze whipping her ponytail into her face. It was an unusually windy day, especially for summer. She looked at Qibli. Moon couldn't tell a lie; he was pretty good looking. It wasn't that Winter wasn't handsome (She didn't really understand why he was on her mind right now), but Qibli just had a warmer feeling to him. 

His brown hair was in a cropped cut and his eyes gleamed. His skin was tan from being outside so often, whether it was sports or just so he wasn't stuck indoors. Qibli always tended to be in his Jade Dragons Jersey, but his ensemble sometimes consisted of a simple T-shirt and jeans. 

Moon took a deep breath. She had to remember this was not a date. It was just two friends going to get ice cream. It wasn't awkward unless you made it that way. 

"Are you ready to go?" He asked her.

" Um... Yes. Just let me text my mom really quick," she responded. Moon fumbled her phone out of her pocket. Her hands were a little sweaty. Stop being nervous, She kept telling herself. Her phone case was a tie-dye swirl of different shades of purple. 

The conversation went a little something like this: 

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Moon rolled her eyes and slipped her phone back into her jean pocket. She loved her mother, but sometimes when it came to things like this, she was hopeless. 

She turned to Qibli. "I'm ready," she said. 

He smiled. "Great! Let's go!" He gestured for her to follow him down the sidewalk. They were so many cracks that you would need wings to fly avoid stepping on them. While they walked, they talked about the simple things, like what they thought of all the teachers and just high school in general. The conversation came easier then she thought it would, and in no time at all, she completely forgot to be nervous. 

"What are your parents like?" Moon asked him as they walked. His expression turned a little sad. "Sorry. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I was just wondering." She turned her gaze down to her converse. 

Qibli slipped his smile back on. "Don't worry about. My parents weren't the best. I never knew my father and my mom... You don't wanna know. When I was about six, she sold me to Thorn, and I've been living with her ever since. My life is better off this way. It makes me sad though, too think that my own parents didn't want me." 

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