Uh... Hi Kinkajou!

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Turtle's POV

Another day unnoticed, in the background. Not even his own mother remembered to take him to school. He had to walk TEN MILES to get to school and got there around third period, which was WAY TO LATE.

His sister Anemone saw him through the window of her classroom and giggled. She was only a freshman, and apparently, his mother had remembered to take her to school. He frowned at her and marched into school.

The halls were empty, leaving Turtle to walk in silence. He toward the office, head held high but stopped in his tracks when he heard footsteps behind him. He whirled him around to face her. It was Kinkajou.

"Uh, hi Kinkajou," Turtle said nervously. Am I blushing? STOP BLUSHING!

"Hey Turtle! How was your summer?" I could stare into her beautiful eyes all day. "Turtle?" Her beautiful, lovely eyes. "Turtle?!" She was perfect in every way- "TURTLE!"

Turtle was suddenly thrown out of his trance. "Huh?! Oh, yeah. Sorry Kinkajou. My summer was fine," he said. Stupid, Stupid! That's what I am.

Kinkajou gave him a smile. "Cool. Well, I should probably get off to class. I was just out here getting some water," she said. She started to walk back toward her classroom.

"Wait! Uh, would you like to sit by me at lunch today?" No! I don't want that! What am I saying?! FAILED MISSION! ABORT! ABORT!

"Sure Turtle. That sounds great," she said. Kinkajou waved goodbye and disappeared around the corner. What did I just get myself into? 

Sorry, this is so short! It seemed a lot longer while I was writing it. I'll work on making the next ones longer. Comments would be great! I'd like to know how I'm doing. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed it! 

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