Life. Is. Pointless- Oh Hi Moon.

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Qibli's POV

Qibli banged his head up and down on the desk. His train of thought went a little like this: I'm. Really. Bored. Life. Is. Pointless. With each word, he brought his head down on his wooden desk, making it bounce up and down slightly. He hated history. What was the point of learning what some people did over 200 years ago? People always said things like "Without history, there would be no future," and "History is who we are and we are history." It was terrible. He would much rather spend his time learning about something that actually mattered. 

It wasn't that he didn't get it; he still paid attention and at least understood. When the teacher called on him, he always knew the answer, he just never raised his hand. Today was a day to start from the beginning, otherwise known as the first part they started to agree on a lie that would shape the future Who even knew if any of this stuff was actually accurate? They could be teaching us LIES. 

"Qibli, is there a problem?" Webs asked, obviously annoyed with the loud banging that came from Qibil's forehead hitting the cold wooden desk. He didn't help make this class any more interesting, Qibli thought. He just droned on and on and then everyone once in a while call on some poor kid who'd fallen asleep within the first five minutes. Staying awake for that long was always a challenge, let alone for nearly an hour. 

Qibli stopped the noise, the one thing that had stopped him from hearing the infuriatingly boring voice of his history teacher. "No-" Maybe I can make this more interesting. "Well, maybe there is one thing." 

Webs narrowed his eyes toward him. "And what would that be?" Qibli began to drum his fingers on the desk. 

"Maybe...  Oh, I don't know. Maybe you could try to make this interesting? Like, stop using that droning voice. It's slowly driving me insane, so that would be a big favor." He gestured to Webs's drab ensemble, which consisted of khakis, a button-down shirt, and a chunky sweater vest. "And this outfit. Why don't you liven it up a bit man!" He knew he should stop, but he was on a roll now. Hefting up a big bright orange textbook in his arms, he made sure all eyes were on him. 

Webs scowled, pointing a finger at the rebellious student. "Now you see here-" 

"And this is a monstrosity! Are you trying to give us depression? Look at this!" Qibli interrupted, loving the fuming that took place on Webs's face. He turned to a random page. He read straight from the passage, knowing that whatever he read would be a great example. History was always gory.

 "'With over 50 to 80 million casualties in World War 2, the people were ready for it to end.' Is this really what you want to be teaching the next generation? And why are they even called casualties anyway? 'Oh, that was just something that happened along the way to victory'?" Qibli took a quick gulp of air before continuing on. "I hope you're happy with yourself Webs. Wasting the precious time of lives with things like this.

Qibli took a seat back down in his chair, setting the textbook back down onto the desk, now satisfied with himself. Everyone around him was gaping at him. Webs had a short fuse, and everyone knew that detention was an immediate punishment. In Qibli's opinion, it was all worth it. 

*     *     *

"Detention!" Qibli muttered to himself as he trudged through the halls. Ok, so maybe it wasn't worth it. Now he had to stay after school. At least it was with Mastermind. He wasn't the greatest, but he was too much of a wimp to dish out punishments, unlike someone he knew. 

The door to his room was hanging wide open, the sunshine shining through the window. It wasn't too torturous, especially when he saw a familiar face. He slid into the seat beside where she was scribbling into a notebook. She was so enveloped in her pencil and paper she hadn't noticed him yet. He opened his mouth to say something, but then he locked eyes with another friend (Well, he thought he was a friend. But he was pretty sure Winter thought of him as a foe). 

Winter narrowed his eyes at Qibli. "What is goody-two-shoes doing here?" Qibli asked, a smirk on his face. 

"Kestrel," he growled. Kestrel was the schools most strict math teacher. Probably the world's most strict math teacher. "And what are you doing here, Qibli?" Winter scoffed. 

"I was standing up for the rights of depressed children," Qibli explained heroicly. Moon finally perked up. 

"Really?" She asked him. Winter scoffed. 

"Not likely," Winter snorted. 

Qibli frowned. "I am very heroic when I choose to be." He turned to Moon. "And why are you in here? I never saw you as a ruled breaker." 

Moon blushed. "No, I'm not. Kestrel caught Winter trying to talk to me, and she sent us here." Now it Qibli's turn to laugh. Was Winter trying to a move on her? It wasn't like he cared or anything. Qibli couldn't like Moon, could he? He stole a quick glance at her. Her luscious dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She was really pretty when you could see her face. She wore no makeup, but that didn't stop her from catching your eye. 

Ok, so maybe you did like her. Just a bit. "Hey, Moon, are you doing anything after school?" Qibli asked. Winter raised one eyebrow suspiciously. 

"No, why?" she responded. 

"Well, Thorn owns an ice-cream place and-" 

"Your mom owns an ice cream shop? Which one?" Moon interrupted, curious. "Oh, sorry. You can continue." 

Qibli waved it off. "No, no, it's fine. She owns Razzleberry. I was wondering if you'd want to go get some after school with me." She looked a little panicked for a second. "You know, just as friends," he recovered. 

The nervousness fled from her face. "Oh, ok. That sounds great!" Winter narrowed his eyes at Qibli once again, and Qibli returned the favor. 

Author's Note

Sorry, this took a while to write. I can now only have Chromebook on the weekends, so it takes a little longer. And I've been caught up with Show Choir for a while. Our show is coming up next week, so I've been pretty busy! Anywhoville, vote, comment, and follow if you like what you see!

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