How do you know my name?

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Qibli's POV

Qibli sped through the corridors of Jade Academy to his next class, chemistry. He enjoyed it, sure, it just wasn't his favorite. The first day of school had been easy enough. Now he just had to get through 174 more. No problemo.

There wasn't really a reason for him to be running through the halls right now. He had plenty of time. He just wanted to get to his destination in case a certain someone was there. And by that someone, he meant the girl Winter had decided to "teach a lesson" too. Qibli hadn't gotten to ask if she was okay.

He peeked into the room to get an idea of his surroundings. The wall opposite the door was covered with pristine shelves filled to the brim with different equipment. In the center of the room was two rows of tables with microscopes and the other available space was filled with things like sinks and refrigerators.

He scanned the taken seats for that one familiar face but didn't find it. Of course. She's not here, He thought. She doesn't have chemistry first period. Otherwise, she would have come here yesterday. But Qibli did spot Turtle, someone he had met yesterday during science. He took a seat next to him. "Hey Turtle," Qibli said. Turtle jumped in his seat.

"How do you know my name?" He sounded slightly panicked, almost if no one had ever really talked to him before. Not be rude, but that was kinda was what he had decided had happened to him. 

"We had group discussions in science. 6th period, remember?" Qibli explained. Turtle calmed down a little bit.

"Oh, yeah. Of course. It's just, no one ever really remembers my name," Turtle said.

"Just one thing: why weren't you here yesterday? At least, for the beginning," Qibli asked. That didn't make sense to him unless Turtle decided to skip the first part of school. But he didn't think Turtle was that type of person, and if he did, why come back for that last five hours of school?

"Oh. Um, my Mom forgot to drive me, and I had to walk here. We live kinda far, so it took me a little while." Turtle has started to fiddle with the end of his shirt. Huh. From the way he talked about it, he didn't seem surprised that it happened. It might have even happened before.

Qibli's thoughts were interrupted by Asha, the chemistry teacher. In his opinion, she was definitely one of the nicest teachers at Jade Academy. Especially better than Kestrel, the math teacher. The lesson didn't really consist of any chemistry, per say. It was more of a review. Qibli was a little frustrated her. He knew all this stuff already. A review wasn't going to help him with anything. But he couldn't stay mad at her for long. She was just so nice and only doing what she was supposed to.

Asha let them out about 30 seconds early. It doesn't sound like a lot, but when you have to reach a class on the other side of the building while pushing through the ocean of academy students, it made a difference.

Qibli waited outside the chemistry door for the bell, sometimes peeking into the other classrooms. Maybe Moon was in one of them. The 30 seconds ran out and teenagers flooded into the corridor. Among them was her. She was about to turn the corner. He had to hurry. Qibli ran after her and grabbed her shoulder.

"What the-" she started to say, but then she saw who it was. "Oh."

"Yah. Um, I never got to ask if you were okay," Qibli said, getting right to the point. His nervousness slipping into his voice. Why was he so worried about meeting her? Sure, he wanted everyone to like him, but she was different, in more ways in one.

"I'm fine. Thanks for what you did," she said, dodging people walking past her like she was a stone in a river.

"No problem." Qibli did a quick double take at the clock. She followed his gaze.

"I should probably get going. I have to get to Choir," she said as she started to walk away.

"Wait!" She stopped. "I never got to ask for your name. I'm Qibli," he said. He at least needed to know her name.

She caught his gaze for a few amazing seconds that he would never forget. "I'm Moonwatcher."

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