Epilogue: A Saber's Love

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"Sol Erga (Solar Dragon's Roar)!" Nothing happened and the little girl pouted.

"Why can't I do it right?!" The little girl with short yellow hair whines. A slightly older girl chuckles and walks to the smaller one.

"Practice. You may have inherited Mum's dragon slaying magic, but you still must practice" says the older girl with medium length raven coloured hair.

"Easy for you to say Neechan. You don't take after mum. You take after Dad!" The little one whines and the older sighs.

"What do I do with you Kylie?" The older one mumbles. Year X806. It's been 15 whole years since the Grand Magic Games and so of the many occasions.

Sting Eucliffe and Lynn Fullbuster got married to each other and now they have 4 kids, in which there is a pair of twins who are the youngest. Their oldest daughter is 13 years old, name Sabrina Eucliffe. She uses White Dragon Slaying Magic like Sting.

"Do nothing and let me be" says the younger girl cheekily. She is the second daughter who is 10 years old name Kylie Eucliffe and she uses Solar Dragon Slaying Magic like Lynn but can't exactly master some of the moves yet.

"Neechan!!" Two voices called their older sisters at the same time as they ran to them.

"Hey boys! How was your day?" Sabrina asked.

"Fun!" Says the first one.

"What about you?" Kylie ask but the boy shrugs and she chuckles. The boy twins are 8 years old. The older boy is Ron Eucliffe and the younger boy is Ken Eucliffe.

"Are you two training?" Lynn appears and ask. During the period of these 15 years, Lynn had cut her hair a few times and her hair length is touching until her neck.

"Yes Mum!" Says Sabrina.

"Then you little girl?"

"Of course Mum!" Says Kylie and Lynn chuckles.

"Anyways, Uncle Gray is here to see you" says Lynn and instantly, the two girls ran to Gray's side.

"Uncle Gray!!"

"Hey girls! How have you been?" Ask Gray.

"Awesome definitely!" Says Kylie.

"Hey Gray! Where's Juvia?" Ask Lynn.

"She's coming- Oh there she is and with your nephew too. Hey Juvia over here!" Says Gray.

"Yes Gray-sama!" Juvia immediately arrives next to Gray's side.

"Hi Aunt Juvia!" The girls and boys greeted.

"Hey kids!" Juvia greets.

"Good to see you Juv" aays Lynn.

"I know, say hi to Aunt Lynn my boy" says Juvia.

"Hi Auntie Lynn!" Says the boy with blue hair. He is Gray and Juvia's oldest son, 11 years old Storm Fullbuster and he uses Water magic like Juvia.

"Hey Storm. Alright kids, I'd supposed you all want to play" says Lynn.

"Yes!!" The kids cheered.

"Then clean up after your fun, Master's orders" Sting suddenly appears and says. Sting is now the Master of Sabertooth.

"Yes Dad/Uncle!" The kids say and they left to have fun and Sting went and held Lynn by her waist and kissed her cheek.

"What a family we have" says Sting.

"We been through a lot" Lynn says.

"And we started out as rivals" Gray commented.

"And now we are all a family" says Juvia.

"Sting, thanks for coming back alive" Lynn whispers.

"A Saber never gives up their life so this is our Saber's Love" says Sting and Lynn chuckles.

"A Saber's Love... This is my story" says Lynn.

Sting X Reader: A Saber's LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz