Prologue: Year X788

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She walks into the streets where a certain guild resides. But she has no intention of joining any guild. She proclaims herself as an independent wizard. She has dark raven colour hair and dark blue eyes.

Her hair is of medium length and her outfit are gothic style with a hood. Just when she was about to leave the town, she heard screams. Curious, she went to look for the source. She then sees two people. A man of average height who has yellow spiky hair and another one with black hair.

"Hakuryū no Hōkō (White Dragon's Roar)!!" Her eyes widen in surprise. She never expected to see a dragon slayer. She then notices a white colour symbol on the man's left shoulder. Sabertooth. He must be The White Dragon, Sting Eucliffe. She thought.

"Eiryū no Zangeki (Shadow Dragon's Slash)!!" Shadow? Is he The Shadow Dragon, Rogue Cheney? She wonders.

"Here's a warning to you weaklings. Don't mess with The Twin Dragons of Sabertooth" says the yellow spiky hair guy. I knew it. The Twin Dragons of Sabertooth, White Dragon Sting Eucliffe and Shadow Dragon Rogue Cheney. She thought as she sees the frightened man ran away in fear.

"Alright pal come out of hiding" says Rogue. She looks around and there was no one there. Are they talking about me? She wonders.

"Yes you, the lady in the hood" says Sting. She then step out of her hiding place and went forward to the Twin Dragons.

"How did you know I was there?" She ask.

"I can sense your shadow" says Rogue.

"What you have seen must not be spreaded. And in order to do that we need to silence you" says Sting.

"Try to silence me then" she says and she makes a huge jump to the sky.

"What the- How can she jump that high?!" Sting ask in shock.

"Sol Erga (Solar Dragon's Roar)!!" She smirks proudly when the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth were injured.

"Who the heck are you?" Ask Rogue.

"Me? I'm an independent wizard" she says.

"That doesn't make any sense. Sol Erga was it? Are you a dragon slayer too?" Ask Sting.

"For me to know and for you to find out. Volcanic Viper (Solar Dragon's Firing Hammer)!!" Sting and Rogue manage to dodge this woman's attacks but merely.

"Who are you?" Rogue ask.

"I already said. An independent wizard" she says again. Just then, a tall elderly man appeared before their eyes.

"Master Jiemma, what brings you here?" Rogue ask. Jiemma... Sabertooth's guild Master. She says in her head.

"I am very impressed with how much magic power you have. I have sense it. You say you're an independent wizard? Come join Sabertooth, the guild needs strong wizards like you" Master Jiemma offers.

"What benefits do I get?" She ask.

"Hey, you're being rude to the Master" says Sting.

"It is alright Sting but you and Rogue must work on your power so it is not a humuliation to the guild. Independent wizard, please join Sabertooth" says Master Jiemma.

"You did not answer my question. What benefits do I get?" She ask again.

"Whatever do you desire I will make it happen" says Master Jiemma.

"What I desire is not possible for you. However, seeing you offering me to join your guild twice, very well. I accept your offer" she says.

"Master, you're letting her join?" Ask Rogue.

"Yes Rogue. I have seen her skill earlier and I can sense tremendous magic power coming from her. Come and follow us to the guild" says Master Jiemma.

"So what's your name?" Sting ask.

"My name is Lynn" she says.

"Lynn? No last name?" Ask Rogue.

"Why should I have a last name?" She ask bluntly.

"Tell me Lynn, what kind of magic do you use?" Master Jiemma ask.

"I'm a double dragon slayer. Solar and Luna. But I mostly prefer Solar" she says.

"Double dragon slayer?" The Twin Dragons ask each other simultaneously.

"Then let your name be Lynn Soluna" says Master Jiemma and Lynn just accepts without thinking.

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