Chapter One: Year X791, They Are Back

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"Hey Lynn, quit resting and start training!" Sting complains.

"Shut up Eucliffe" she says coldly with her eyes close. She is now lying down on the grass field and taking a nap.

"Come on, Master wants us to train for the Grand Magic Games!" Sting exclaims.

"Seriously Eucliffe, we have always been first. Must we still train?" She ask lazily.

"Of course lazy bum! Look if you don't get up now I swear I'll attack you!" He tries to threaten but Lynn yawns. She stood up and gave Sting a look.

"Tyrant Rave (Solar Meteor Fist)" Lynn then lands an attack on Sting and he groans in pain.

"H-Hey! That was a sneak attack!" He whines.

"Shut up Eucliffe. You're weak" Lynn says jokingly but maintains her bored and yet serious face.

"I'm not weak Lynn. Fight me then!" Sting challenged while Lynn rolls her eyes.

"You'll regret it. Riot Stamp (Solar Dragon's Claw)!" In a quick instant, Sting was hurt in his gut and he groans in pain.

"Damn you..." Lynn shrugs. She decides to 'be nice' and heal Sting. Soon, Sting felt better and he sigh of relief.

"I needed that Lynn. But I'm impressed that despite you being a double dragon slayer, I heard that healing magic is for Sky Dragon Slayer" says Sting.

"That's because I'm unique" Lynn said sassily and Sting rolled his eyes playfully.

"Lynn and Sting, stop playing around. We got training to do" Rogue suddenly appears and say.

"Hey Rogue! I was about to look for ya!" Says Sting.

"Then I'll leave you two be then" says Lynn as she prepares to leave.

"Actually you should listen too Lynn" says Sting. Lynn shrugs and stayed to listen.

"So what is it that you want to tell me?" Rogue asked.

"I've got exciting news. I heard that Fairy Tail's strongest group of wizards are back" Sting says.

"Really? That means Gajeel too?!" Rogue ask.

"What do you mean by Fairy Tail's strongest team?" Lynn asked.

"Well you see, 7 years ago in X784, a group of the Fairy Tail wizards disappeared on their holy ground Tenroujima. Even the Master and the well-known Gildarts and Titania Erza Scarlet too" Sting explains.

"How did they disappear? Sounds ridiculous" says Lynn.

"Oh ya think? But I say Fairy Tail is weak because they were attack by a dragon. They had like what? 4 dragon slayers on their side but still failed" says Sting.

"What dragon would attack them?" Lynn wonders.

"They say it's the black destructive dragon by the name Acnologia" Rogue says and Lynn's eyes widen. A-Acnologia? Why is he, no, why was he there?! Lynn ask in her head.

"You okay Lynn?" Sting suddenly ask and she snap out of shock.

"Of course" she says.

"But I got to say. Even with 4 dragon slayer on their end, they couldn't even slay that dragon. What a disgrace to dragon slayers don't you think?" Sting ask and Lynn suddenly clench her fists in anger.

"You know nothing about Acnologia" Lynn mumbles.

"What do you mean?" Rogue ask.

"Whatever, a dragon is a dragon and if the dragon slayers can't slay that one Acnologia, what's the point of dragon slayers?" Sting ask.

"Acnologia is not a dragon to underestimate it's power! You do not know the true terror of Acnologia!" Lynn burst out.

"Woah Lynn... Did I say anything to offend you?" Sting ask.

"Don't talk as if you know Acnologia. His powers... Are tremendously dangerous that it could kill your life!!" Lynn says while the Twin Dragons stared at her with looks they can't express. How is she so agitated with this issue? Sting wonders.

"Lynn, does Acnologia has something to do with you? Like before you joined Sabertooth?" Rogue ask and Lynn froze. No, I can't tell them. Never... Lynn thought.

"Come to think of it, you never told us about your past. And the fact you didn't have a last name when Master Jiemma accepted you is weirder" says Sting. Oh no, is he catching on to something? Lynn starts to panic internally.

"Whatever. Back to the main topic, how many Fairy Tail wizards were gone from their holy ground?" Lynn ask, trying to change the topic.

"I heard there was a lot. Like I said, their guild Master Makarov, Gildarts, the four dragon slayers, a Celestial wizard I think, 3 cats who are similar to Lector and Frosch and a lot more" says Rogue.

"That many?" Lynn ask and the Twin Dragons nod.

"Why are you three not training?!" The three were shock to find Master Jiemma behind them.

"W-We were only taking a break" says Sting.

"Hurry and train! Sabertooth must maintain its first position! And besides, it'll be Lynn's debut there so train!" Says Master Jiemma and he left.

"Well you heard the Master" says Rogue and the three start to train individually.

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