Chapter Eighteen: Confession

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"Hey Lynn, let's go on a job!" Sting exclaims.

"What job do you have in mind?" Lynn ask.

"Check this one out! We need to beat some monsters and we can get 500, 00 jewels as our rewards. I am dying to beat up some monsters right now!" says Sting while doing some punching moves.

"Well I am getting bored so why not. Let's go" says Lynn and the two set out for monster hunting.


"Hiryū no Eizō (Solar Dragon's Silhouette)!!" Lynn lands an attack on the monster and the monster was almost defeated.

"Hakuryū no Hōkō (White Dragon's Roar)!!" Another attack by Sting and all they need is the finishing move.

"Let's try a unison raid Lynn" says Sting and she nods. The two decided to do a fusion of their breath attack which may be thr most powerful one.

"Lunar Erga (Lunar Dragon's Roar)!"

"Hakueiryū no Hōkō (White Shadow Dragon's Roar)!" Since Lynn had attacked first, Sting uses his fusion dragon power and attacks it towards Lynn's and formed a unison raid.

"We did it Sting!" Lynn cheered. Sting and Lynn hi-fived each other and Sting suddenly hugged Lynn which caused her to gasp out of shock.

"We did it Lynn!" Says Stind and Lynn blushed.

"Y-Yeah, now c-can you let me go?" Lynn stutters but Sting held her closer instead.


"Just, let me be" Sting says gently while Lynn just did nothing. Why is he like this all of a sudden?

"Listen Lynn, there is something I want to tell you" Sting suddenly says as he faces Lynn.

"What is it?" She ask.

"I have always liked you Lynn" Sting says and Lynn was speechless. Did... I hear him right? He likes me? W-What do I even say?!


"It's okay if you can't accept me now, I'll just wait for you. I kind of... Have been liking you for 2 years... A year after you joined, somehow that feeling just started" says Sting.

"Oh Sting..."

"After this job, let's just pretend we never had this conversation alright?" He ask. After a moment of silence when Lynn was about to speak up, Sting suddenly widen his eyes as he notices the monster is about to attack Lynn. How is that monster still moving?! I have to protect Lynn! Sting says in his head.

Just when the monster was about to attack, Sting suddenly pushes Lynn away which caught her by surprised. When Lynn was out of the danger zone, Sting smiles and face the monster alone. Lynn widen her eyes as she witnessed the next scene that may just traumatized her...



"Are you coming with us Lynn?" Minerva ask.

"I'm pretty busy today Minerva. I'm sorry" says Lynn softly.

"Al-Alright then" says Minerva and she left Lynn alone. Minerva left with Rogue and Rufus.

"Is Lynn going to be okay? I don't have any memories of her being like this before" Rufus ask.

"I hope she will be" says Rogue.

"Sabertooth is just isn't the same without him" says Minerva.

"What's Twin Dragons of Sabertooth when one twin isn't available?" Rogue questions. The 3 wizards sighed and headed for a certain place not far away from the guild.

They soon arrived at the place after a few minutes of walking. Saber Hospital, the hospital which was build after the Sabertooth in honour of them. Minerva, Rufus and Rogue enters one of the ward rooms.

"Is Sting ever going to wake up?" Ask Rogue.

"He has to. There is someone waiting for him" says Minerva.

"I should have followed them that day. Sting wouldn't be lying down here in a coma" says Rogue.

"It's not your fault Rogue" says Rufus.

"Despite all the medications Sting has, he is still not waking up" says Minerva.

"We need to believe that he'll wake up soon. I'm sure he is fighting as well" says Rufus. Just then, one of the nurse came into Sting's room.

"Hello again Minerva-sama, Rufus-sama and Rogue-sama" greeted the nurse. Since the three would usually come, they knew each other already.

"Hey Yukino. How's Sting doing today?" Rogue ask. Yukino Agria is Sting's nurse in charge in Saber Hospital.

"No changes as usual" says Yukino while she began changing Sting's IV drops. Just then, Rufus saw Sting's fingers move.

"Is it just me or am I seeing Sting's fingers move?" Rufus questions while rubbing his eye to make sure. Sting moves his fingers again and this time, everyone saw.

"I'll call in the doctor" says Yukino and she left to get the doctor while the three gathered around Sting.

"Sting, please wake up. Lynn is still waiting for you" says Minerva.

"She's not the only one, we are all waiting for you. Sabertooth isn't the same without you Sting" says Rufus.

"What's Twin Dragons of Sabertooth without my twin? Wake up Sting... Please..." Rogue pleads and Sting's eyes suddenly began to twitch...

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