|24| My Decision Too

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I have felt nothing but regret and guilt. I had promised her the world and more, that she would have a smile that shone brighter then the brightest stars in the galaxy.

I had however given her a life where she has become lonely and sad.

I hadn't noticed it at first. She really did seem happy to start a life with me. Sophia was happy for her also, and I was glad that I had gotten her blessing.

She almost always had a smile on her face. I spoilt her all I could. Flowers every other week, dates every Thursday night, I gave her the freedom she had told me on numerous occasions that she craved.

But maybe that is where I went wrong. Maybe I spoilt her too much, that when I when away for work and the flowers came less and the date nights stopped, her happiness seemed to vanish also.

Sophia and her stop hanging out as well. She believed that the girls in the film industry could give her that same love and support that Sophia had so amazingly gave her. But they didn't. And they weren't Sophia.

We sat on the couch, both pairs of eyes focused almost forcefully on the large television nailed to the wall. A documentary of life in ancestry Egypt played, whist my thoughts ran through my head, forming a nasty headache.

I had only been home for the night. Taking a few weeks break while we were filming a new action drama combo movie, myself being the supporting character.

We hadn't spoken much since being home.

"You know I'm sorry". She pressed her mouth into a thin line. Looking to her hands. She fiddled with the promise ring I had gifted her for our six month anniversary.


"I'm sorry"


"I'm sorry that I couldn't give you the life a had so often promised". A lump formed in the back of his throat. "You deserve so much more then how unhappy I have made your life to be. I am so bloody stupid. I shouldn't have promised you the world when I knew, deep down that I was dragging you into a mess. This life... this life that I have isn't always the best. Of course I love my job and all the support, but it isolates us. People don't think of us a normal people, and I have made them think of you as someone that isn't a normal everyday person. You can't do things you love now because being alone can be dangerous. That's what being with me has brought you, and I'm so sorry".

She didn't speak, only just look up into my eyes. I realised now that I had began crying. Tears streamed down my cheeks, creating a wet path on my shorts.

She too was crying, before after what felt like forever she finally spoke. "This was my decision too. I should have known that I wouldn't be happy". And as if she had never felt anything for me in our time together, she got up, grabbed her keys and left.

trouvaille // thomas sangster x readerWhere stories live. Discover now