|19| Never Forget

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Never Forget

You could feel the nerves rising in your chest, as if a thousand butterflies had invaded you, nearly making you chock. Impatiently your feet tapped on the ground, the only sound that could be heard in the empty room. Fixing up your top you waited, different scenarios racing though your head. All the what ifs making you question your chooses, asking yourself, was this really the right thing to do? Your doorbell shattered your thoughts, causing you to jump a little.

She inhaled a sharp breath, clenching your hands into fist to stop them from trembling. You slowly walk the short distance to the front door. I could just ignore it, he may think I'm not home and had other plans, as if on queue the door bell rung again, he was not the patient kind was he.

Unlocking the door, and pulling it open, not all the way, just far enough for you to be seen. A handsome Thomas stood their, a bouquet of red roses in his hands. The smile on his face could have lit up brighter then the sun, it was contagious and you smiled too.

"These love, are for you" He outstretched his arms, bring the roses closer to you. You took them with an open month. They were beautiful and the nerves that had one invaded you had fled.

"Thank you they are beautiful" you gave in a large smile, "I'll just place them inside, you began to walk inside when Sophia stopped you.

She waved at Thomas, "Hey Tom" he replied with a hi, and you assumed a smile. "I'll take those, now go on your date" she gave you a wink. You hugged her goodbye, before leaving with Thomas.

You began to walk down your usual path, the one you first meet Thomas on, the one you had constantly taken almost everyone second day. "Love" you turn to see Thomas stood at the end of your driveway. You give him a questioning look. "Thought we might take the bike" the first thought you had was oh god no, I'm not in shape to be riding on a bloody bike all day. You walk up to him, then down the path a little. You were not going to enjoy this day as much as you would have.

"Love you keep on zoning out" Thomas looked down on you from the corner of his eyes.

"I dont wanna ride on a bicycle all day" you wined, admitting your earlier though. Laughter left Thomas's lips and the confused face from before returned, "what?"

Thomas took your hand as you made your way the two more meters, then stopped. "I wouldn't make you ride a bloody bicycle" he laughed again, oh how much you had come to love that laugh of his. "We'll be riding that", you turned to see where he had been pointing, their sat a motorcycle. You didn't know too much about them, but you could tell that you are going to have the time of your life.

You smiled up and Thomas, your smile as though you were a child on Christmas morning. You couldn't help yourself, you stood on your tip toes tilting your head up just a little so your lips would meet his. You hesitate but it was too late as Thomas closed the space between you two, with a kiss you would never forget.

trouvaille // thomas sangster x readerWhere stories live. Discover now