|20| Happy Place

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Happy Place

The lights flashed, all at one, blinding you for a short second before your eyes adjusted to the lights. You clung onto Thomas's are as screams of fans and paparazzi filled the air. It was overwhelming to say the least. Definitely out of your comfort zone, but when Thomas asked you to accompany him, you couldn't say no. And you couldn't blame yourself, he was adorable at times.

Your arm looped in Thomas and he ushered you down the walkway, the amount of people growing as you did. You were more then glad that there was a barrier between you and Thomas, and the fans.

You bumped into Thomas as he had suddenly stopped, looking to see he was getting photos taken. He lent down, pushing your hair aside, "I know this is overwhelming but I appreciate it, it will be over soon" he whispered, this reassured you a bit, but the sickening feeling that had been their since the beginning of the night hadn't left.

You smiled at the flashing cameras, barely making out what the crowd were saying, as their voice merged into one sound. You remembered what Thomas had said before you had left "Just think about a happy memory, one that makes you smile" so that is exactly what you did.

"Have you never been on a motorcycle before love?" His voice was a mixture between disbelief and laughter. You shook your head, no. You stood on the sidewalk as he put his helmet on and got onto the bike. He had already helped with your helmet, tightening it like a dad would do for a child. "Okay so you are going to just sit behind me" you walked up to the bike, "legs on either sides" he instructed, you did as he said, you held your arms up awkwardly. He grabbed one of your hands, looking into your eyes, "and these arms of yours go around my waist"

The blush that made its was on your cheeks were so bright, you were surprised it didn't burn you. And with that, Thomas started the bike, flying down the street. At first you were a but scared, but after a little while you began to love the feeling for the wind in your face, you felt free in that moment with Thomas.

"Y/n" you felt a nudge on your shoulder. You looked up at Thomas, question written all over your face. "I was saying this is my girlfriend Y/n"

You turned to see a very done up lady with a microphone extended towards you. "Uh-oh hi" you gave her a little wave.

"So any plans for a wedding? Kids in the picture?" The asked with a fake tone. She was exactly the reason why you hated people in this life. They were so fake.

"No no no, we just started dating and I am in no hurry to pop some little ones out" you spoke, maybe a bit too fast because she looked taken aback.

"Yeah as y/n said, we want to take this slow, do it the right way. I care for her too much to make a mistake and lose her" you smiled up at Thomas, him smiling back down at you. Thomas excused you too from all the paparazzi and after a few fan signings and photos you were moved to another room.

"Oh and her the famous y/n is" you didn't want to fan girl, but as Dylan O'Brien walked your way you wouldn't help but smile a little — more like a lot.

"I'm a huge fan" you extended your hand for him to shake.

"No no no, come here" you accepted the hug, but made sure it wasn't too long, as Thomas was still there. "This one over there never shuts up about you" Dylan announces, a blush creeping onto Thomas's face.

"All good things I hope"

trouvaille // thomas sangster x readerWhere stories live. Discover now