|11| Trust Issues

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Trust Issues

At some point during you walk, Thomas's hand found its way into yours. It was warm, and as cheesy as it sounds, it fit perfectly.

Thomas didn't worry about the 'almost kiss', he shrugged it of saying it was okay and that you were not ready and he wouldn't rush you. You could see in his eyes that what he was saying was genuine. You could trust him.

Trusting people for you has always been hard. Of course there has always been Sophia, no matter what she was there, you could tell her you killed someone and she would help you hid the body. Thats the kind of friend she was. Your parents were the people you found it hard to trust, always going back to old ways after promising they wouldn't, telling you that you could trust them.

"That was the last time, myself and your father have decided to stop drinking. Money is short at the moment and we want to focus on you and your brother. We promise that was the last time" they were her exact words, but then again she broke them after a month.

"Whats on your mind" Thomas got your attention, giving your hand a squeeze in his.

"Nothing really, just thinking about back home" you half lied. It wasn't the time to bore him about your past.

"Do you miss it?" You could hear the sound of both your foot steps, as you walked down the street, again in the direction of you new house.

"Not really, I was ready to leave long ago, tired of everything always being the same. I need a new scenery" you smile up at him, catching him look down at you. "Thank you Thomas, you are my friend friend here besides Sophia"

"Wait me are friends" you didn't know if he was being serious or not, sometimes you found it hard to tell.

"Of course we are" you laughed. You talked about random topics until you arrived at your house. "You can come in if you would like", Thomas's face showed he was thinking about it. Finally he shook his head.

"I have some work to do back home" he put on a sad face, "maybe another time"

"Yes that sounds good" you hugged him goodbye. He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead as you hugged, making you blush into his jacket.

"I will see you Saturday night?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world love"

You stood there with a huge smile on your face. How have you gotten so lucky to meet someone like Thomas. You stood under the stars. Taking in all that you now had.

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