|4| Head Start

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Head Start

"Y/n" you could feel hands shake you, but not gently, it was forceful. The first thing that came to your mind was it was a dream, but then you decided that it was too real to ever be a dream, you roll over to see your goofy friend with an enormous smile spread across her tanned cheeks.

"Why are you so smiley this morning" you groan, you had never been a morning person, more of a night time person. You were surprised Sophia hadn't caught onto that and left you be.

"It just hit me" somehow her smile grew.

"What? My fist to your face it you ever wake me up again" her eyes disappeared into the back of her head as she rolled her eyes with a big sigh.

"No you idiot, it just bloody hit me that we moved to London" she jumped on your bed with joy and you couldn't help but let out an airy laugh at your friends childishness.

"You woke me up to tell me we moved to London, which is a fact that I already know?" You laugh and you could see her give you a sorry smile, obviously remembering you are not
really a morning person.

"Okay can I have a 10 second head start this time? You are really fast, which is surprising since you normally just wake up" Sophia said as she slowly gets up from the mattress, stepping closer the the door as she did.

"Nope" you yelled as you got up from under the warmth of your blankets and pounced at her. She dodged you and you fell to the floor, luckily there was a box filled with cushions that softened your fall.

Pushing yourself of with all the strength you had, slightly weaker then usual considering it was early in the morning.

When you were on your two feet you took of down the hallway and into the living room. Stopping down and quietly looking around, you could see to top of Sophia's head from behind one of your old couches and you tried to hold in a laugh, she was never the best at this. You tip toed over to her.

"Rawr" you screamed from behind her causing her to lose balance and fall on her butt. You follow her to the ground laughing, holding your stomach.

"Unfair I didn't see you coming" she huffs like a little kid. You both get up from the cold ground and seat yourself's on the couch.

"So I have something exciting to tell you" you smile like a girl in love.

You quietened down before finally Sophia couldn't take it any longer and spoke up, "are you going to tell me, or just sit there with a goofy smile on your face?" You snapped out of your thoughts and smiled at her.

"I meet a guy"

trouvaille // thomas sangster x readerWhere stories live. Discover now