|2| Stranger

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"Y/n" you could hear Sophias voice, it was calm and quiet, as if you were only dreaming she was calling your name. You began to drift back into unconsciousness when you hear it again.

"Y/n!" This time it was more aggressive, and you felt her shake you, "get your lazy ass up, we need groceries" you groaned in annoyance, rolling over to see her with an evil grin on her face, "and your getting them"

Grabbing your pillow from next to you, you smoother your face in it. Your voice was muffled from the pillow as you spoke. "Why do I always have to get it"

"Cause while you were sleeping your little ass, I put together the TV cabinet and the bookcase, so your going" she was like your mum in that moment and left without another word. You slowly got out of bed, put some new clothes on that weren't dirty from unloading boxes. You check your phone for the time.

1:35am, is she bloody kidding me.

As you were about to go out and tell her that it could wait till morning, you found her passed out on the couch. Holding in a laugh to not wake her, you throw on your sneakers and headed out the door. When you were out there you decided that it was perfect walking weather, leaving your car behind you began to stroll down the sidewalk.

The air was slightly chilly and you wrapped the jumper you brought around you tighter. After 10 minutes you regretted your decision.

Should have just drove.

The shop would have been about 10 minutes further meaning you are only half way, and as the air got chiller you were deciding whether to turn back now.

Despite the cold, everything was beautiful. You loved everything about your new home, and a smile spread across your face.

"You kind of look like a weirdo smiling by yourself like that" the sudden voice that shuttered the silence made you jump and you turned around to see a tall, lanky and very handsome man standing behind you.

"Ah-uhm y-yeah I know" you kept the smile on your face, something about the man seemed so familiar, like you had seen him before, "do-do I know you?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

The man just let out a laugh, before holding his hand out to you, "Thomas"

"Oh we are only on first name basis" you said as you took his hand, smiling, "y/n, but I swear I've seen you before"

"I dont know" he shrugged, his laugh that followed made you shiver, it was perfect, "what are you doing out here so late anyway"

"I could ask the same thing" you began to walk the direction you were heading, him following you.

"Oh no no I asked you first"

You laugh, "Heading to the shops to get bloody groceries"

"At 2am?" He seemed honestly confused

"Well I just moved here from Australia and -"

"No wonder the accent" he added before you could continue.

"You know if you keep on interrupting me like that I will never finish my story" you warned, cause Thomas to erupt into laughter.

"Okay I will shut up"

trouvaille // thomas sangster x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ