|7| Coffee

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You could see Thomas looked up, a confused expression on his face, he looked around finally stopping when his eyes landed on you. The smile that made its way onto his face warmed your heart. He looked both ways before jogging across the empty street. The puddles splashing around his runners as he did.

"Well hello there pretty lady" he said raising his eyebrows in a seductive way. Your cheeks lit up bright red and you looked away, finding it hard to looking him in his eyes.

"Shut up" you nudged him playfully with a laugh. "Do you want to sit with me? Get out of the cold?" As you spoke you looked up into his dark eyes, they smiled down at you as he nods.

"Sounds nice" you make your way back to your table, seeing that your coffee had been served while you were outside.

"Thank you" you called out, the lady turned around from her work to give you a smile and a quick my pleasure before continuing her work.

You took a long sip of the hot beverage as you sat, Thomas staring at you with an amused expression on his face. You lowered the mug, whipping the froth from around your mouth. "You really like your coffee don't you" you nod.

"What about you?" You questioned him.

"Na, I'm more of a tea guy myself" he leant back into his seat, you wondering how on earth he was even in the slightest comfortable.

"Is that maybe because you are British" you could see he caught on that you were only messing with him.

He decided to play along, "why yes yes it is, now does the" he clears his voice "Australian here like having shrimps on the barbie" he imitated a really bad Australia accent. Halfway though a sip, you spit your coffee out onto the table. You let a loud laugh escape your mouth and your eyes closed due to your large smile.

"Okay okay sorry about the stereotype. But coffee is one hundred times better then tea" Thomas grabbed some napkins, wiping up the mess that you had made. "And never does anyone ever call bloody prawns shrimps" you stated with the smile that was glued into place on your face.

In that moment, in that cafe you felt an overwhelming joy that made you wonder, where have you been my whole life.

"Whatever you say love"

trouvaille // thomas sangster x readerWhere stories live. Discover now