CH. 18 Why be Surprise

Start from the beginning

I just didn't know what but whatever it was, I could tell from Kassie face she hated to be the one who had to tell her.

Kassie let out a sigh.

"You guys found out some new things?" Tiara asked and I could feel her stare.

I looked up at her to find her now looking at Kassie.

I analyzed my sister and truthfully she looked tired, I imagined her expression was a reflection of I and Kassie also.

"Tiara... When I was alone in the restrooms with him. I got some information through a sick game we played. I found out he was the reason of Melanie accident." Kassie said and I watched as Tiara eyes widened, she turned to look at me.

"She must have found something out," Kassie said, Tiara face reaction changed. It was a look of anger, she looked upset.

Something was bothering her and I was going to call out to her, wondering what got her such a way until Kassie spoke again.

"And also..." Kassie started saying but took a pause. It was like she was trying to get herself to say what she had to say.

It was like she was forcing herself to say what she had to say.

"What?" Tiara asked

Kassie's face was filled with worry, a sad look upon it.

"He was the caused... of your boyfriend that you had since high school death," Kassie said.

The room completely fell quiet, I could feel the shocks coming from Dalton behind me.

I wasn't shocked, why wasn't I shock?

I heard the words that came out of Kassie's mouth but it didn't take me by surprise like it did Dalton, it didn't make me flinch like Chris did and it didn't make me stunned like Derek was.

Could it be because I don't remember anything, I don't have my memories so I don't seem to react such a way to what was just told.

No surely not, that wasn't it.

It felt as if I knew as if I had found out about this already.

This feeling that I had was like knowing someone's favorite color and not being surprised being told what it was.

So I knew, I knew that freak had to do with Tiara late boyfriend death.

That meant, Melanie knew.....

What else did Melanie find out?

I looked at my sister and the look on her face for some reason was familiar. It was like I've seen that look many times before.

But I haven't, maybe the Melanie with the memories have but not me.

The Melanie with the memories know this look, she knows what this look means and it bothered me. Something told me I should be worried about the look that Tiara had on her face.

But why? Why should I be worried?

Tiara's face was emotionless.

There were no emotions found on her face, she just found out that the freak who had tortured us was the one behind her late boyfriend death. a boyfriend she most likely would have still be with, maybe married to right now.

Her face was emotionless though like she used to the feeling of pain that she learned how to block it. To stop it.

She turned to Chris and in a monotone voice said. "So when is the FBI getting here?" She asked him, the monotone voice brought chills down my body and I knew it wasn't only me it did.

I looked at the officer, officer Derek who was standing behind Tiara, he looked down at Tiara with a sad look. As if he was trying to figure her out.

Tiara face expression changed for a brief second, I didn't think anyone else noticed but me.

A brief expression of anger and pain shown, but it changed back to the Emotionless expression she had before.

I wanted to hug my sister.

I felt the need to but it was like Tiara sense that I wanted, she turned to look at me but slowly shook her head at me.

Letting me know not to, it was as if she knew if I had hugged her that very moment.

She might break down.

I nodded my head slowly.

"So when are they coming? I just think it's insane how they're not all over the case." Tiara asked again.

"Watch him be someone with a high rank, watch him be the reason the FBI isn't all over this. Let's see, how about this. How about the FBI finally get's all over this case because he is allowing it to happen now." Tiara said and a knock came from the door.

The Captain opened the door, his eyes widen when he sees all of us in the room.

FBI agents followed right behind him, with their suits on.

"See what I said," Tiara said I looked at the FBI agents.

I felt like I knew something, something about all of this was bothering me.

God damn it, Melanie, when are you going to fucking remember. You've solved many things, I know I have but what exactly have I solved.

What if I can't remember and the things that I can't remember are the things that can save us and protect us.

I need to remember.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Amnesia is something serious, not only does it affect the person who has it, because they feel hopeless on not remembering who they're or the people around them. It also hurts the people around them too, because they missed the person and wonder when that person will come back. Melanie definitely knows a lot of things, trust me she does. She's a very smart woman but the problem is will she able to remember, especially remember in time. Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT.

-Kassandra Vivu

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