chapter eighteen

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So guys for this chapter I'm gonna skip up to five years or so try and keep up with me.

It's been a couple of years since I've been living with the humans let me tell you it has been peaceful. Kaerae still hasn't said anything to me, I don't even know if she's still there.

"Moooomy Tommy is playing fair he's cheating"I sighed the joys of mother hood.

" Tommy stop cheating on your siblings"
"But mommy I didn't do anything"
"Young man play fair"

Ohhh your probably wondering who I'm talking to.

As you know I was pregnant back during the war right. I gave birth to quad boys twin girls all dragons and a girl and boy both wolf. Yeah I gave birth to octaplets it's not easy business that shot hurt.

You know the funny part was when I cried that I didn't want to have a loose vagina. It was the most hilarious moment of my life.i named the quads
Damien daemon Jason Jayden they are my little hatchlings. The girls are Casey and Casandra, I know cliche right, then my wolf babies. Tommy looked exactly like his father that's why I named him Tommy king Davids. Then my angel the tadle tale queen Aj Davids.

Damien Timmy, Damon timothy, Jason carson, Jayden Camden, Casey my, Casandra CJ. They are the light in my eyes.

"Uncle James, you're back what did you get me huh did you get me my chocolate huh huh"Aj has a love for chocolate I don't know how to put it she's obsessed with it.

" Aj what did I say about demanding things"
"I should greet then ask nicely" She had her head down.
"And then why aren't you doing that"
"Sorry mummy, hy uncle James did you bring the chocolate"

"Lisa stop scolding my niece it's ok pumpkin I got it right here" He said as he handed the chocolate to her. Her face lit up like fire works.
"What do we say"
"Thank you uncle James, guess what uncle James got me. I got a chocolate"
She ran off to brag to the others about her chocolate.

"How are today mommy" James asked as he sat down with me on the couch.
"I'm good James what dis I say about giving those kids whatever they asked for they'll get spoiled"
"I can't help it they use their cute puppy eyes on me I can't deny them anything"he made a pouty face, he looked so adorable at that moment.

You see I met James when I was in labour, yeah my water broke as I was in my favorite cafe having their muffins. He was brave enough to get me to calm down before I panicked.

His wife helped me as well, that's how we became friends now we the best. When I gave birth to u octaplets they freaked like scream.
It was hilarious, from then on Jen started to help me with the kids we've been friends like family since then.

" Where's my favourite girlfriend "
"Ohhh she went to apply for a job as a secretary for a the DM co-operation. "

"Ohhh I thought she already had a job"

"Of course she does it's for you, you need to get out of here besides these kids are in kindergarten so that would be cool. "
"WHAT THE HELL" He slammed his hand on my mouth.
"No swearing kids in the house" He looked up to see if the kids were anywhere the living room.
I tried speaking he cut me off
"You need the job girl people are getting suspicious as to where you're getting all this money I mean you don't work or anything you need to take this job if not for me do it for the kids, you could be their ideal role model. They'll learn to work for what they want and not expect mommy to get for  em"
"I hate it when your right you know, fine if the guy is a jack ass prick in pour hot coffee on him and run out of there. "

"That's all I need, let me go and check on my little nieces and nephews"
"Sometimes I think you love those kids more than me"
"Don't make it a competition you'll lose"I pouted, he burst out laughing as he made his way upstairs to the play room.

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