chapter eleven

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Pain, hate, betrayal revenge that was the only thing running through my head. I wanted nothing more than to make them all pain. They made the only person who actually care about me to beg for death.

Now I understood that song it's too late to apologize, now I knew what it spoke off.

I didn't have the need to role my self into a ball and cry my eye balls eyes.


People just screamed and ran all over the place to their houses or safe houses I bet.

Utter caos I like it, everyone in a freeked up mode. I turned to octavos whose eyes had bulged out. He looked like he just shitted himself.

"Jeez you look like you just shitted your self damn"my voice was still deep but still female.

I stalked toward a him like a predator crepts up to its prey. He didn't move an inch, a smirk made it's way up to my face.

" You caused this, my hearts bleeding cause of you. Rae wanted death cause of shitty mates, don't worry no other wolf will ever feel rejection cause I'm a kill you all. Even the goddess forsaked me now I'll take my future in my hands. "

My claws came out, I didn't understand what I was but I liked it so much. The power speed and strength I felt, made me feel so invincible but yet so empty with no heart.

Fear filled the air, just the way I liked it. I folded my fists before he could even blink I smashed it onto his face. Bones crashed under the scrutiny of my hard punch. As my fist connect with his face he flew across the room with such speed I was even amazed at my strength.

Gina Stood there holding her belly, I knew she was with child. I saw her sons future as the king strong wise also will prevent rejection without valid reason.

"Keep him self child, he's gonna be a great man"
I spoke as I passed her by, I stalked to the king. Me stalked was a fraction of a second of me walking until I am actually in front of the king.

"You don't head warnings do you your majesty"

"What are you"
"Ohh I forgot to tell you, I am the source of dark magic in all the world you know me by GRATEGETZUKS. "
He's mouth was hung open.

"Warriors kill her now attack"
"Don't even bother if you want to die right now leaving your mates defenseless attack but I'll make sure your mate suffers a lot before I kill em so try me. I'd suggest you spend a lot of time with them cause you sure don't have a lot of it"

The king tried to punch me too slow for my liking, I just dodged it and all his other punches.

Octavos and other dragons tried to insinerate me.
"You have be a at least 6centuries old corner your flame to actually do damage on me. Besides your mother the rightful heirs to the dragon throne. The black dragon your keeping in your selors is the only person who can actually do some damage on me unless his gone mad"

"I'll leave for now playing be back in a week with my army hope you'll be ready"

I swayed my hips and ass as I walked away, but they didn't heed my words. As I walk away a loud roar that makes the land vibrate is heard in the sky. All the dragons bacon to its call and clear the sky.

I watched in aw as the creature, flew over the sky. I tried to walk away, the pull was greater. I just stared the black dragon with its beautiful scales, I finally was able to draw my eyes from the beast I walked normally towards the forest.

It growled, the shivers that ran through my body were of arousal nothing more, sizzling arousal.
My breath hitched, I turned and watched as it flew don't for the landing. As it closer, I smelt the most beautiful and stronger scent of cookies coming from the oven freshly baked. I inhaled a deep breath to catch as much as I could of the scent.

My long bushy tail swayed behind me to show my excitement, the need to take in the scent was too much and caused me to stalk to the now landed dragon shredder led me to him.

I starred into him green bright lizard eyes, I gasped when we made eye contact. Everything beside us the commotion seemed to freeze, I only to seemed to see him.

"MATE" THOSE WORDS left my lips, I gasped. The dragon started shifting, bones cracked and retracted.

As he finished shifting what stood before me, was like the Greek sexy gods damn. My ex's had nothing on him, he was in half dragon mode. His wings we're still big, they folded behind him.

His beautiful tanned skin, his body was like so ripped as in like the rock kind of a body or even better.

His large chest led down to his tonned eight pack, my eyes kept trailing down and lower to his v line.

That's when I saw the thick rode that laid in between his legs flaccid. I unconsciously licked my lips just starring at him. His cock twitched under my scrutiny.

He cleared his throat, that bought my attention to his god fuckn looking face. His plump small pinkish lips, I felt the need to run my hand over his whole body, through his black messy hair.

"Hello mate" His deep masculine voice drove my body crazy with need. My whole being felt alive, I'd come alive at that moment. My breath hitched, my lady parts vibrated. My core was just so slikely wet from only his voice. My arousal sky rocketed through the air. A growl brought me back to the present god.

Before I could even blink he was in front of me, the closeness seemed to deepen the scent of my arousal.

The smirk on his face told me he could smell my arousal and the fact that I was checking him out made to let out a deep chuckle.
"Like what you see mate" His starred into my soul.
I couldn't even speak, I just nodded my head at him. His hands just pulled my waist towards him.

As his hands my contact with my skin sent sparks flying through, I could orgasm if he kept on going like this I thought to my self.

He sniffed the crook of my neck inhaling my scent calming his dragon. I starred into his eyes, he leaned down for a kiss. I licked my lips to moisten them.

When his lips touched mine, spark flew through our bodies igniting a fire to born deep within.

I moved my lips to his pace feeling his dominance over me his mate. I kissed him, he nibbled at my bottom lip causing me to moan and grinned against him.
We stopped to breath,tingles ran through my body.

"What's your name mate? "
"Ohh I'm Lisa and shredder, what's yours"
"Just call me King baby, I'll always be waiting for you love"

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