chapter seventeen

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Have you ever watched your whole world crumbling down, pity in every single persons eyes you looked into.

This has been my life for the last few days, haven't eaten or talked to. Anyone, both parties have taken a break to bury their beloved, family and friends.

I've been looking out into the distance, thinking of my last moments at love with King. It's sad really, the reason why I'm still alive is for my children, kaerae hasn't said a word to me.

I'm weak dying and without that sparkle in my eye that brought a steady beat to my heart I'm screwed like big time screwed I mean let's take it this way. My wolf has given up, no love life dying whilst pregnant that's just about it. Too much drama in my life.

'Moonie please say something I need your advice at this moment'
I've been calling on the goddess today I need her to take kaerae she's suffering so much, she's gone I don't want to feel empty I just want to be able to shift and everything else without kaerae being hurt anymore she's suffered enough.

As I made my way down the green path to the grave yard. I changed my dress with magic to pure red. A broken soul went to lay down the one connection it had to a perfect life.

"My dearest king be at peace, I will always love you no matter what. I'll look after them don't worry. "

I set his body on fire to send him off to the goddess. I watched until all that remained was his ashes.
I saw every one crying for their loved ones, I stood there I closed my eyes.

I got a glimpse of him with a woman they seemed happy, he's bright smile showing. I immediately understand he had been reunited with his true mate.

'Be happy always my king IL look after them'

A slight breeze passed by me, I felt his lips on my forehead. Id found my closure.

From that moment I had nothing keeping me in the world of the supernatural, that's when one chose to live with the humans forget of all the mess and loss. Kaerae still hadn't said anything

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