chapter ten

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I'd told my self so many times it was a mantra I sang through the ideal I was going through. Betrayal is the worst thing to happen to anyone. My fragile little heart couldn't take it more even if my body took the pain my wolf and I gave up the will to live.

Nothing prepares you for seeing your ex ex mate along with your sister pregnant living life to the fullest whilst here I may suffering the harsh remarks from friends. I'd let my self care again that's why I learned to care again.

What the king put me through would make any wolf go insane especially me I stopped caring and gave up app hope and welcomed the darkness.

The first one to whip me with the silver coated whip with silver blades at the tail of the whip cutting my skin open with each strike. The filthy dress was torn from my thin bonney arms I'd lost my beautiful figure and body. I was now a shell of my former self in a matter of days literally I was like so thin.

The king lashed me until he got tired, I'd lost count at fifty, I was going in and out of consciousness my head hung low the only thing keeping me up were my arms and legs which were chained into silver chains that burned like on my skin.

"THIS SHOULD BE AN EXAMPLE TO ALL WHAT SHE HAS DONE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED HERE. WHO WANTS TO TAKE A TURN. Alpha Trent Red Wood and Luna Melissa would you like a turn take all your frustrations on her. " The king spoke as he walked away from the whipping podium.

"I thought you'd never ask my king"
None other than my sister spoke, she picked the whip and lashed it at me with brut force. The kings slashes felt like childs play. All just watched as my body was assaulted and destroyed in my eyes.

"You lose it all bitch look were you are, mateless and about to die. I'm here happy with my life. Life is good for me, I have everything you had hahahaha" She spoke as she drove the silver lash onto my bag. As she pulled it out it caught on my spine, she pulled it out without mercy. Bones from my spine were pulled out I just cried outloud.

I laid there taking every bit of assault from my dear sister, Trent and octavos just watched.
"Enough now Luna you don't want her to die without us having a turn on her right"

Octavoss voice boomed, my mate wanted to lash me. I tried pulling my head up I couldn't nothing brought the shock hate that brewed inside me.

He stepped on the podium, the first strike sent my body flying. The pain was too much I couldn't take it.

'Mate hitting us Lisa, I don't want to live any more. Look we suffering when mate reject us, please do something'
Hearing rae talk about dying was the final knife sent through my heart breaking it in half completely.

'I know it hurts, we have to fuse its the only way rae I don't want to lose you. I'd take the darkness over losing you and losing control. '

I opened the mental seal that sealed the  dark magic. Power flowed through me., with this there is more turning back I give up my single life to live as one with my wolf. We will be present in most things.

The power surged through me, rae broke through the cage as she had plenty power to heal and destroy me.

"Hahahhahhahhaha" My laugh broke through the crowd. I felt nothing, just hate pain. I saw red I hated all wolves they didn't deserve to live.

"You've had your fun now, it's my turn to bathe in all your blood. I just get excited just by the thought of it.

My dear sister your gonna get what you deserve, mates your the cause of the monster I've become"
"Lisa is that you"

Gina asked me, she looked concerned. The minute I raised my head she gasped, I had an evil grin plastered on my face. Tears filled her eyes and trailed down her perfect skin.

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