chapter twelve

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The scalley dragon god in front of me drove my body into oblivion. My body came alive, his scent drove me mad I forgot all about revenge the only thing in my mind was just to eat him up mate and mark him as ours. Shredder didn't help with the dirty images she was passing the my head.

I actually moaned just thinking about him, damn my face turned beetroot red in front of me.

"Your cute when you blush"
"Mmmh huhm  coughing so what brings you her"
.'what kind of a stupid question is that seriously Lisa what brings you here your such a dum dum when you ant to be tsk'

Kings face changed, it was a look of disgust. He looked as if he wanted to reject me, I've seen the reject face  so many times. He was angry, I knew he was going to reject me.

I started whimpering, I wouldn't survive the heart break if it were to happen. 'Moonie you do know how. To give someone their happily ever after. 'Note the sarcasm.

"Look let's get this over with ok I know that look so do it already, I'm ready this time around. "

"Ready for what" He growled
"Reject me already I know that look in your eyes your disgusted by me right your gonna reject me so let's not bother getting to know each other ok"

"Ohhh, I've lived over 5 thousand years without now I've found you I'm never letting you go. I'll get you all the rarest gems diamonds everything you want except for rejecting you my love. I'd never kill us both like that, as you felt the sparks between us were huge that's how it is with dragons. Your my one and only sweet heart and the look on my face was disgust for my great great grandson for actually slashing you like that, those wolves for their betrayal unto you like that. They shall pay for hurting a single hair on your body"

"Really, you accept us"
"All of you baby, your all mine. I know what happened here because I can see the past when I want"

"Ohh so even if I was gonna kill everyone would you stop me"
"No babe I'm gonna kill em all before you even dirty your beautiful self "

He just roared as he turned around swiftly shielding me with his huge wings.

"What do want here octavos"
"King is she your mate"
"Yes she is, you've already rejected her so your claim on her has been revoked she's mine now mine all mine "his voice boomed of dominance. Octavos flinched as my mate spoke.

" I know, but she's a dark witch. She's dangerous she needs to sacrificed I'm sure the goddess will give you a stronger better mate if the sun god doesn't give you"
"So you want me to kill my mate just to satisfy all you fuckers greedy faces, you can forget about it. That shit ain't happening here she's mine. Mate mine alone mine" His voice boomed, it went deeper as his dragon came to the surface. My legs were shaking from the desire building inside of me.

"If that's how you want it then you shall have war on your hands people want her dead except the dark witches. " He had a smirk on his face. I knew if king killed me he would die as well and octavos and his blood line would still keep the throne.

"If it's war you want you shall get it, make sure you keep your pup it's not a dragon safe the your dragon line ends here mine begins you shall only rule not you your son shall rule the werewolves if their still alive by the time the war is over if not you shall all perish. "
In a flash king had me in his arms sparks tingles raced through my body sending my already throbbing core to secret more lubricant juices.

"I'll take care of you mate when we get to our mating cave let's go"

He lifted me bridal style, his wings spread out flapped around me. I couldn't help but admire his strength, the hardness of his muscles rubbing against me sent wonderful shivers through my body.

My eyes we're hazed with lust in them, I wanted to be his one and only. To feel his strong hands as they roamed through every inch of my body Caresing my soft skin with his hard skin.

"King were are we going" The way his name rolled of my tongue sent shivers through his body. I felt him shivers, his wings took us higher and faster into the clouds. I wrapped my hands around his neck to make sure he just doesn't disappear on me.

"We're going to the forbidden cove"

"Isn't that the place were mad dragons without mates are sent"

"Yeah it is but most of those dragons have found their mates and chose to stay there. Thats were we are going, it's safe from the outside world beside we have all so called extinct dragons like the ice dragons water and air. They are elemental dragons since I am. The strongest I am the Alpha as you wolves call it.

But I prefer to just be King, "

"How old are you exactly you seem to be in your mid twenties" I asked

"Ohh love I've waited for 5678years for you that's my real age I kind of age slower than others. Its like being immortal, but with a sweet heart. Who is you, I went mad when I was 600 years old have been mad ever since. Until a few days ago when the moon goddess came to in a dream telling me about you that you were my mate and that they were gonna kill you, so on so forth here I am with you"

'Thank you, he's wonderful so far moonie'

That was my last prayer before I welcomed the darkness as I fell asleep in my mates arms.

Fated to KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang