New York, New York

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Life is too short to be lived counting the years. Just enjoy the ride.

Grace quietly snuck into Mark's apartment, using her key, and made her way into his bedroom. She'd timed her flight to make sure she'd get here in the middle of the night. Stripping off her clothes, Grace grabbed a t-shirt forgotten on the floor and pull it on over her knickers.

Then, abandoning the stealthy approach, Grace jumped on the bed shouting Mark's name as she did.


'Holy shit! Mark yelled, rolled out of bed, jumped to his feet and staggered backwards in around three seconds.

Meanwhile Grace was dying of laughter on the bed. 'Oh god! Your face!

'Grace?!' Mark gasped out as he clutched his chest. 'For the love of God, you've got to stop doing that!'

'I'm keeping you young Markie!' Grace said as she regained control of herself. She knelt on the bed and grinned. 'Besides, I wanted to surprise you for our birthdays. Still love me?' Grace looked sad and pouted at him.

'Urgh…' Mark groaned and visibly gave in. 'I hate when you do that. Fine, let's just…go to sleep.'

Grace giggled and got under the covers. 'Love you, Markie.'

Mark got in behind her and snuggled down. 'Love you too, Gracie.'

Grace spent a week in New York. Using and abusing Mark's apartment when he worked, which wasn't often because he rearranged everything he could. And when Mark was available, they went to all the sights, even though they'd been many, many times before.

On the tenth, a day before Mark's birthday, and two days before Grace's, they went to the graveyard to visit Marcus. Then proceeded to get thoroughly hammered in their favourite bar.

Grace even made a quick visit to see Mama Shepherd. Who was very scary and Grace was not stupid enough to visit the east coast and not go see her.

But mostly, she and Mark just enjoyed each other's company. It was the way they had always been, right from the beginning. And it suited them just fine.

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