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_Zamia's POV_

What's that suppose to mean? "I Will Never Be With You,".

Does the TARDIS know something we don't?

"Wow great way to end the song," The Doctor laughed knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Ha ah ya," I laughed nervously.

"Honey, it's just a song. Nothing to do with us, even though that was weird timing specially since I just proposed." He tried to comfort me.

"Doctor?" I asked. He took my hand and lead me out into the hall.

"Yes?" He answered.

"If you had a kid what would you name him or her?" I pondered.

"Well if was a girl, her name would be Zamia. A boy could be The Terminator," He said.

"Does everything have to be about me?" I laughed and kissed his cheek. We walked up the steps to the console.

"Because I love you and your mine so, yeah," He grinned and let go of my hand to fix his purple bow tie.

He went over to the console and started turning knobs and smacking things.

I held into the rail. Finally after a moment of shaking the TARDIS stopped. We were in Ohio to look at spots to get married.

I smacked The Doctors rear and ran out the door into the fresh air. Which soon turned to the foul smell of poop.

"Ew I hate horses." I growled.

"Horses are cool," A quick voice in ear.

"AHHHH!" I screamed.

"Hey! That's what I said when you hit my bottom," He said dumbfounded.

I laughed and walked out onto the wheat field we landed in. Forest surrounded us.

"It's beautiful," I gasp.

"Not as beautiful as you," The Doctor whistled.

"Shut up," I snapped. He stuck his tongue out at me. I grabbed his tongue and I wouldn't let go till soon a guy walked up with a shot gun an camo.

"Hay? Whatcha do'n outta her'," The hunter slung the gun over his shot.

"Um, sorry we are looking for a spot to get married," I smirked. The hunter grinned a toothy smile.

"I see, I will show ya the perfect place." The hunter nodded off to the right.

"Well, alright. My name is John and this is Zamia,"

The Doctor exclaimed.

"Oh well, err... You can just call me Jake," Jake scratched his head with his free hand.

We headed off, soon we could hear the rush of water. We stepped out from behind a rock and there fell a gigantic water fall.

Jake ran his fingertips through the water and then wetted down his beard. He was a tall, heavier man. He had a Wayne Dalton hat on. Combat boots, sunglasses.

"This is Dundee Falls," Jake sighed and leaned against a near by tree.

"What do you think Zamia?" The Doctor asked.

"It's beautiful," I gasp.

"Still not as beautiful as you," The Doctor laughed. I elbowed him in the stomach. He hunched over and grabbed his stomach.

"Um, ya just have to go back the way ya came," Jake said. We nodded and thanked him. With that Jake left.

"What do you think Doc?" I questioned. He stood up straight and walked away from me.


"Doctor? Earth to Gallifrey?"

"Hm?" He answered.

"Do.You.Like.It.Here," I hissed. I absolutely hate being avoided.

"Yes, I'm just thinking," He sighed and crossed his arms.

"About me I hope," I snuck up behind him and whispered in his ear.

"Always... besides now," He frowned.

"Why what's the matter, You aren't having second thoughts are you," I replied sadly.

"... no but-" He started.

"But nothing Doc are you ready or not?" Angrily I replied.

"Zamia in 3 weeks your gonna be very sick," He said very seriously.

"And whys that chin boy," I mocked.

"Because I was worried about what we just did in your bedroom. And right after you ran out I asked the TARDIS to do some checking," He grinned and hugged me.

"We are going to be having a baby, and the weddings going to be postponed for a while," He laughed. I felt my whole body chill.

And everything went black...

A/N- sorry I'm trying to speed the story up a bit. VOTE AND COMMENT.

Should they have a boy or girl? Twins or single? Names.

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