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____Zamias POV____

I watched The Doctor ponder for a minute before snapping my fingers making The Doctor wake up from his mind.

"What?" He smiled. His bright flashy smile flashed. His little flip of hair was probably the most hottest thing ever...

"God I'm thinking a lot today!" I laughed.

"I hope only about me," The Doctor wiggled his eye brows. I rolled my eyes.

"Of Course," I smiled sexily. The Doctors eyes widened and his mouth dropped. I loved that...

I loved everything about this man...

I sat on the console. The Doctor glanced at me a final time before pushing a final button. Making the TARDIS pick up.

"Yes, I know that you love everything about me," The Doctor smirked. I blushed. Was I really talking talking?


____The Doctors POV____

"I loved everything about this man," Zamia muttered. She is just staring off into space. I don't think she's realised that's she is speaking her mind.

"Yes, I know that you love everything about me," I smirked. Zamia blushed and looked away. I pushed a final button. We were off...

We landed on Maria Gala quickly. I grabbed Zamia and jerked her off the console. We ran through the TARDIS doors. Onto the green lush grass and to our picnic.

This is perfect. All 3 suns were up today. Their are Orange clouds all over the sky... Just Perfect.

___Zamias POV___

A lovely picnic under a tree that smells like... Laffy Taffy! Plus under beautiful orange clouds and 3 suns!

I looked at everything in only amazement. The Doctor grinned at me. I returned the smile and sat down on a TARDIS blue blanket.

"So what are we eating?" I asked curiously.

"No clue!" The Doctor continued to smile.

"You make the TARDIS pick?" I laughed. He nodded,

"Do you remember our last picnic? That was hundreds of years ago! The TARDIS packed us nuts and bolts!" The Doctor reminded me. I nodded. We laughed happily.

I opened the basket to find fish fingers and custard!?

"Mmm," The Doctor licked his lips.

"Ew?" I smiled. He pretended to look hurt.

"Just try it love!" The Doctor dipped a fish finger in custard and shoved it in my mouth.

I chewed.... and chewed.... and chewed some more!

"Not to bad," I grinned. We sat in comfortable silence.

"When are we going back to get my TARDIS?" I asked. While taking another bite of fish/custard.

The Doctor looked sad.

"Do you really need to travel on your own?" He asked shyly.

"Well, I suppose not. Can't we just make it go back into the little button thingy? Then I can just bring the key chain with me?" I suggested. The Doctor jumped onto me.

"That's a brilliant idea!" He yelled. He pecked my lips making me want more.

We sat their staring at each other for a few minutes before The Doctor finally spoke up.

"Um, I have to go pick up a few people," The Doctor said nervously.

"How many is a few?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"2.... Amelia And Rory! THE PONDS!" The Doctor yelled excitedly. I rolled my eyes.

" Alrighty then lets go get 'The Ponds'," I sighed smiling.

We left the picnic. (Leaving everything there.) Walking into the TARDIS I could hear the TARDIS humming.

"Why's she doing that now?" I asked.

"She likes my Ponds," The Doctor smiled cheekily.

A few minutes later I was sitting on the console again. We were on our way To Meet The Ponds...

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