Doctor Beanie

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___The Doctors POV___

When explaining the whole Gallifrey thing I made sure to leave out the part about me & her kissing.

I finally realised that she had the same beautiful green eyes as before.

"Doc? I have something..." Jessica stuttered.

"What?" I asked. Jessica got up and grabbed a envelopes out of the computer desk.

She handed it to me.

"Today's full of surprises," I chuckled. She grinned at my comment.

The Top of the letter read:

The Doctor,

Don't worry about a thing. Zamia will have her memory back by one single thing, and that thing is for you to find out...



P.s- Tell Zamia that we are sorry we had to do this, - Falcon

Falcon & Izan are Zambia's parents. Well, 'Were' her parents, because their dead now.

"Who are Falcon & Izan?" Jessica/Zamia asked.

"Your parents... Jessica should I call you Zamia or Jessica?" I asked not sure how to ask.

"How do you pronounce that in Gallifrey?" She asks quietly.

"Z-A-me-a." I pronounced.

"I like Zamia..." Zamia smiled.

After a few minutes of awkward silence I finally said something.

"Lets see if your TARDIS will come out and stop playing hide & seek!" I commanded and got up.

"How do we do that?" Zamia questioned curiously.

I picked up the computer and gave Zamia a apologetic smile. I dropped the computer on the hard wooden floors. It shattered into a million little pieces.

A tiny key chain fell out of the computer and to the floor. I smiled.

There was TARDIS parts on the floor to but they didn't matter right now. On the key chain a little box with a button was hooked on.

I slowly pressed the button.

A TARDIS popped out of nowhere. Zamia just stood there with her mouth on the floor.

A gigantic tree with a door in the side sat there humming with excitement...

___Zamia's POV___

I walked over to the tree TARDIS and ran my hand over it. How it fitted in this room I will never know...

The Doctor was the first to walk in. I followed and looked around at the plain steel room.

"It's so ugly...." I mutter.

"I can fix that," The Doctor smiles. I tilt my head at him. He walked down a pair of steps. I was just about to walk down when I saw a note tapped to the console.

Dear Zamia,

I'm sorry I never was able to meet you, Also I'm sorry I had to leave you notes. She (The TARDIS) loved your father as The Doctor loves you...

P.s- please take good care of her...

Doctor Beanie

"Doctor Beanie?" I laughed.

"Oh yes the great Beanie," The Doctor left.

"Wait, 'She loves your father much as The Doctor?" I gasp in confusion.

What's that suppose to meet?


____The Doctors POV____

"Wait, 'She(The TARDIS)loves your father much as The Doctor?" Zamia gasp in confusion.

"Oh Brilliant..." I sighed. I didn't really want to fall in the love again. After River broke my heart and had a affair behind my back, I don't want a commitment.

She may be one of the last of our but that doesn't mean that we should... Repopulate...

I plugged in two more yellow wires and decided to craw out. I walked up stairs and saw Zambia sitting on the console.

"It will take about 2-3 hours to finish the remodelling," I smile.

"That's great," Zamia returned the smile and hopped off.

"Would you like me to show you how to drive a TARDIS?" I offered. Zamia lit up like a firecracker and jumped on me.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" Zamia said through are embrace.

We walked back to my TARDIS happily...

___45 Minutes Later___

Zamia had finally learned how to control the TARDIS. She wasn't that bad of a driver.

We were leaning against the railing of the TARDIS.

"Doctor? Can we go somewhere," Zamia asked.

"Sure, But where?" I hummed.

"Oh!" I yelled. I typed in the coordinates.

"So, I take it that you know where to go," Zamia laughed.

I nodded and grinned. The TARDIS hummed and then made a noise that I've never heard before.

The TARDIS has a plan up her sleeve for this trip....

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