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_Zamias POV_

I can't say that I'm not surprised that me and The Doctor got back together. I mean we are practically soul mates. Even when we were kids, The Doctor had always liked me in that special way.

"Z? Are you alright?" The Doctor questioned. I opened my TARDIS' door.

"Yes but it's a little sad to know that we will be the only Timelords to ever go to baseball games again," I sighed. The Doctor grinned evil before grabbing my waist and pulling me back.

"Not in less we have children my dearest Zamia," He whispered in my ear. I blushed.

"Doctor? Will we ever get married? I mean your already married, so doesn't that mean your married to two people?" I asked.

"Um, well technically alls I have to do is rip the piece of fabric that joined me and River," The Doctor sighs. I flinch even when he says River.

"Oh I see," I said. I pressed the keychain button on the console. The TARDIS went into its box form leaving me and the Doctor standing on the ground where it use to be.

"Now Zamia, I would like to know if you'd like to go on a nice, drama free date?" The Doctor stuttered nervously.

"Hm I'd like that," I smiled.

We walked hand in hand back to his TARDIS. But I couldn't help but to feel being watched. I looked around the parking lot.

"What's the matter? Zamia?" The Doctor said trying to catch my attention.

"I feel watched," I whispered. He turned and looked around too.

"Your just paranoid," He scoffed. I raised an eye brow at him.

"Fine," I huffed.

"So where do you want to go?" He asked. He opened the door for me

"McDonalds," I said plainly.

"What is Mc-Donald's?" The Doctor questioned.

"Oh my god! IT THE COOLEST PLACE EVER!" I practically screamed. I ran over to the console and set it to McDonalds in America. The TARDIS shook for maybe a second before we landed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I screamed running out of the TARDIS.

"FOOD!" I added.

"Don't worry I will just wait here, I guess." The Doctor called. I ran around a car and back to the TARDIS. I grabbed his bow tie and pulled him across the parking lot. We ran through the front door.

Everyone turned and stared at us. I grinned evilly. We stopped at the cash register.

"We will take the 20 piece chicken nuggets. Two large French fries, Hmmm and two Reese's milkshakes!" I ordered.

"Sauces?" Asked the employee.

"Put one of everything in," I said. She shook her head, I laughed and pulled a very confused Doctor up beside me.

"Oh well hello," He blushed. The employee fluttered her eye lashes. I gave her the finger before giving her 20 American Dollars.

"What does that mean?" The Doctor asked. I drug him behind me till we got to the jungle gym area.

"Well using your middle finger mean FU, and her doing that thing with her eyes means she likes you," I explained.

"Hm," The Doctor hummed. I crawled in a tunnel with out him looking.

"Zamia? Where'd you go?" The Doctor called into the tube.

"In here! Come find me!" I yelled, I echoed along the tubes till I heard him dive into the tube.

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