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The walls vibrated, letting through the faint sound of the music coming from the dance floor. A strong scent of cigarettes, alcohol and sex lingered in the room. Three tall bulky men stood in line in front of their boss, the latter lounging lazily on the long black leather sofa with a content smile on his face after having been sucked dry by a slutty customer that came onto him.

He had had a long day and was hoping they would make it slightly better. He brought a newly lit cigarette to his chapped lips, slowly inhaling its toxic smoke before letting it out with a sound of satisfaction. "Update on Mr. Kim?" He looked up at the tallest of the three, anticipating a positive reply. The man lightly cleared his throat, knowing that the news he was about to share would send his employer into a fit of rage. "Has gone into hiding it seems."

Yoongi's eyes narrowed and he snorted as his smile slowly changed into a smirk that instilled fear in his subordinates. He lowered his head as he drew in another puff of the cigarette, bringing his hand to the ashtray to crush it in as he exhaled. He leaned back into the couch, raising his head slowly, the smirk now completely gone from it, replaced by his lips pursed in a straight line and his stone cold eyes. "So, you lost him? Even though I had you follow him for... how long was it now? Just a couple of weeks?" His tone growing low and dangerous. The three men bowed their heads slightly down, trying to remain as calm as possible. "We are sorry sir. We will find him."

Yoongi briefly closed his eyes and he tilted his head from side to side to crack his neck, biting the tip of his tongue in an attempt to control his anger. With an evil chuckle, he opened his eyes again and a chilling smile formed on his face. He let out a deep breath and softened his gaze. "Good. I'll let it slide if you find him within the week," he said seemingly relaxing his tightened jaw, his tone much lighter. The three men quickly bowed and excused themselves.

"Oh, by the way, Nick, take that bag on the table to the club manager" Yoongi continued nonchalantly, motioning at the object lying on the table in front of him with a tilt of his head. The youngest of them slightly bowed his head to acquiesce to the request and moved toward the table to grab it. A loud shriek echoed through the room as Yoongi swiftly plunged a combat knife in the man's hand, pinning it to the table. He looked up at his subordinate with dark eyes and started twisting the knife, eliciting more muffled cries of pain despite his best efforts to remain calm. "No more fuckups, ok?," he lowly growled, twisting just a little bit more before violently pulling the knife out.

The young man quickly grasped his hand in an attempt to stop the blood from pouring out. The other men stood stiff in an uncomfortable silence by the door, afraid to say or do anything. Yoongi dismissed them with a low growl, leaning back into the couch. His subordinates quickly left, not wanting to push their luck in case he snapped again.

He took out a handkerchief from his shirt pocket and started wiping off the blood from the blade, his eyes glowing with anger. "So the fucker left town...," He said to himself, his eyes fixated on their own reflexion on the metal object in his hand as he continued diligently to clean it. A twisted grin slowly formed on his face as he started thinking of the satisfaction he would get when he would snap the bastard's neck, after having him beg for his life for hours. He could already feel his fingers twitch in excitement as he would choke the life out of the man, slowly and painfully.

He finished cleaning off the knife and set it down on the table, next to the fresh pool of blood staining its surface. He slowly traced his long fingers on a folder next to the knife before picking it up. "Let's see if we can find a way to force you back here," he let slip past his lips as he started scanning the document. He much preferred straight confrontation, but any means were good to him in the end.

"Well well... I guess his daughter should be a good incentive..," he said in a low voice, his grin growing ever more wicked into one that would scare even the devil. He flipped the page slowly to see a photo attached and more information about you in particular. He snorted as he studied your features. "At least she's not half as ugly as her father," his smirk growing stronger at the idea of getting you in his clutches and torturing you in front of your own father, having him beg for mercy as he would slowly take your life away in front of him. He swiftly closed the file once he was satisfied with his idea and picked up his phone to set the plan in motion.

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