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"Sinny stop! I'm trying to study and you're distracting me!" I whined loudly, groaning afterwards and shooting Sinclair a harsh glare. It was exam season and I had a lot of revising to do, thank God I already finished all my assignments and extra credit work and community service work, simply cause it looks good on a college application.

Sinclair looked like a puppy who had his first bone taking away and I rolled my eyes, reaching back and moving his hands away from my ass. He was giving me a booty rub and I do love those but his hands keep getting lower and if he keeps playing with my pussy like that it'll escalate and I won't get any studying done.

"I'm just tryna love the booty babygirl. It needs love to" he laid on my ass snuggling into in, putting all his body weight on my lower body and I sighed.

"The booty has feelings to!"

I cracked a smile, looking back to see Sinclair looking very content while using my ass a pillow, hopefully that keeps him satisfied so I can revise.

A few hours later

"Okay I'm done studying for now" I closed my text books popping my earphones only to hear Sinclair snoring away. I knew ever since exams started I've been a little distant but that's because school comes first, this is senior year and pretty soon I'll be starting my residency and I'll be a lot busier and I still have no idea about this entire turn into a demon, queen thing.

There was a loud knock on my door and I somehow managed to slip out of Sinny's hold, putting an actually pillow under his head before going to see who it was.

"Yes" I pulled open the door and was shocked to see Sinclair's parents staring back at me, this time they didn't have what's her face with them, and I smiled politely.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Gambino, how may I help you? Come in..." I opened the door wider allowing them to come inside and they both settled themselves on the couch while I silently asked myself why the fuck they were here while closing the door.

After what Sinny told me, I don't like them very much. At all for that matter, but I have to respect my elders.

"Do you want me to go wake Sinny- I mean Sinclair" I cleared my throat quickly covering up my mistake and Mr. Gambino shook his head.

"No dear...we've come to see you. To propose a deal of sorts" I raised an eyebrow. A deal?

"We started on the wrong foot honey...." His mother started off. That didn't sound very nice coming from her mouth. Honey.

"I'm Jezebel and this is my husband Damon and you are?" He eyes trailed up my body and you could see how unsatisfied she was with my appearance. I was wearing a pair of spanks and a sweatshirt and my hair was braided back in two cornrows. It occurred to me that I was in the presence of a King and Queen but...... This is my house though.

"My names Kida-Rose. It's nice to meet you both. Can I get you anything?"

"Some water would be nice" I hummed, walking to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water before handing it to Mrs Gambino and taking a seat on the arm chair.

"So this deal...." I trailed off and Mr Gambino began speaking.

"Well it's obvious that you're Sinclair's mate...." Yeah no shit.

"And we know that mates are destined and all that but Sinclair has a responsibility and quite frankly you're getting in the way" well damn. I don't like his father either, let's hope he has a nice uncle. This conversation isn't going well at all.

"You see honey..." There it is again.

"You're human and turning into a demon is a dangerous, painful life threatening process that you don't really need to go through if you forget" wide smirks spread across both their faces

"F-forget?" I was ready to scream. I shouldn't have let them in, in the first place.

"Yes Kida you'll forget all about Sinclair and everything that's happened between you two. He'll get married to Kendra as
planned and become king. It'll be like you never met" Mrs Gambino smiled and I gulped.

"Well it's either that or die" in an instant I felt like fingers were clamped around my throat and my eyes widened as I reached up to grab something that wasn't even there, gradually the grip got tighter and I heaved for air.

"Of course if we killed you Sinclair would never forgive us...." The feeling disappeared and I gasped sucking in as much oxygen as possible which only made me break out into a coughing fit.

"So I guess you get the lather" Mr Gambino's eyes turned blood red and tears brimmed in my eyes. It felt like someone was jackhammering my brain as black smoke clouded around me. I held my head in my hands, letting out a loud scream, something wet flowed down from my nose and ears as my world began spinning.

"Hopefully Sinclair will listen now that you're out of the picture"

Sinclair? Who's Sinclair?

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