Chapter 27: Catalaya's POV

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It's been a week since I've seen Justin. It's getting closer and closer to the end of the summer so today I've taken Sky to one of the outlet malls outside of the city to buy her some clothes for school. She's grown so much.

"Alright baby girl you can try on one more pair of shoes and then we have to go."

"She can try on two more I got her." I turn around to see Justin in one of his tailored suits. I turn back around and watch as Sky goes and looks for another pair of shoes. I yawn and shift all the bags I'm holding. "So you not gonna talk to me?"

"Why should I? You took off. Haven't heard or seen you all week Justin."

"I've been around. You just knocked out by the time I get back."

"Whatever Justin." I say standing up and looking at him. "You're doing what you did before. Just shutting down and not saying shit. You remember where that got us?"

"I ain't shuttin down Cat I'm handlin business. It's different."

"Ha oh it's different alright."

He sighs and looks down. "Cat I ain't tryna argue with you."

"So then what are you tryna do?"

"I'm tryna-"

"Mommy, Daddy can I get these?" We look at Sky as she races up to us in some sparkly pink vans and I sigh.



Justin and I say in unison. We look at each other and I sigh. "Sky take them off and bring the box to me."

"Yayyyyy." She begins to run off before Justin stops her.

"Aye what do you say to ya mama?"

Sky walks back up to me and hugs my leg. "Thank you mommy."

"You're welcome my love. Now go so we can go get ice cream." Her eyes light up and then she takes off again.  I smile and then turn to Justin. "So you were-"

"I gotta take this. Text me the ice cream joint y'all goin to. I'll meet y'all there."

I just nod my head knowing full well he isn't gonna meet us there. He'll probably go run off to wherever he's been.

"Mommy Cat can I also get the ones with the flames on them?"

"Yes baby, but hold on let's walk over there together." I say as I help her put on her other shoes. Once I finish she helps me put her sparkly vans back into the box and then she picks it up and begins walking. I follow her and then stop in my tracks as I see El Rey standing in front of us. My heart begins to beat fast. I quickly pick Sky up and put her box down. She begins to cry and I sigh.

"Baby we don't have time for this. Mommy will get them for you tomorrow. We gotta go right now ok. Daddy is waiting for us."

"But I want those shoes."

"I know baby and mommy will get them for you ok. But we don't wanna keep him waiting right?"

I say as I near the exit of the store. I quickly hurry out of the store and walk quickly to my car. I unlock the doors and put Sky in her car seat before putting the bags in the trunk and getting in and taking off. I call Justin right away.

"Come on Jay pick up." I whisper angrily.

"You've reached, Justin Stanson. Please leave a message."

I hang up and try him again but it goes straight to voicemail.



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