Chapter 11: Catalaya's POV

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I sit on the sofa waiting again for Jay to come pick me up. I know he's most likely going to bail again. It's been 3 weeks since I've spent time with him or even had a conversation with him. Things seem a bit off but it could just be me. I sigh as I continue to chill with my real baes Ben and Jerry. I watch my favorite Korean Drama, Descendants of the Sun, and try hard not to cry. This is my third time watching it and every episode I manage to just cry like a little baby. Watching the series makes me miss Jay even more I really just wanna know if he's ok. It's 8:30 pm and he said he would be here by 7:45-8:00 pm at the latest. I sigh and put the top on the tub of ice cream. I know he's not coming but I'm trying hard to just make excuses for him. I get up and wash my spoon and put the ice cream back in the freezer. I grab a blanket from the closet and sit back on the sofa.

I try to concentrate on the show but I keep glancing at my phone to see if he texted me or if I missed his call but there's nothing. I sigh and turn off the tv. I fold the blanket and put it back in the closet before heading upstairs. I take a shower and wash my hair and my mind somehow still never stops thinking about him. I get out of the shower and dry off, lotion my body and get into bed. I pray like I do every night that he is safe and that even if we don't last that he continues to be happy in whatever he does. By 10:00 pm I'm in my bed and drifting off to sleep.

Suddenly, I hear banging and think that it's in my dream so I try to stay asleep but the banging becomes louder and I wake up to the sound of banging against my front door. I sigh and look at my phone. It's 1:00 am; I rub my eyes and slowly get up. I throw on one of Justin's tee shirts and shorts and head downstairs. I open the door to T who seems to be heavily intoxicated. Marcus appears behind her and he smells of cheap liquor and weed and I know they must've been having a lot of fun. My heart sinks knowing that it wasn't him at my door. Just another lonely night without him again. I sigh and guide Marcus to the guest bedroom and T to my bedroom. I forcefully make them both drink a glass of water before tucking both of them into bed. I kiss both of their heads before walking downstairs to the kitchen to make tea.

I sit in silence contemplating why I ever let Justin in. I sigh tired of this endless cycle he can't possibly care about me. He gets tons of pussy. He just made me feel special in that moment and I shouldn't have expected more from him. I sigh and close my eyes. As much as I want to go around smashing things, as usual I have to be considerate of others and I have to be strong. I drink my tea when suddenly my phone rings.

I answer it quickly hoping that it's him, "Hello."

"Hey Cat, is Marcus with you?" I sigh and close my eyes.

"Yea Ant he's here. I let him crash here, he drank a little too much."

"Oh ok cool. Thanks boo. Oh aye, I saw Jay. Is everything ok with you and him? He seemed pretty out of it."

"Honestly I have no idea I haven't heard from him in a while. He keeps bailing on me so I have no idea what's going on with him. He hasn't been dropping his daughter off at school instead his friend is doing it for him. I can't tell if it's somethin I did or not." I can hear Anthony sigh and I know he's probably shaking his head right now.

"I'm sorry Cat. I'll talk to him and try and see what's up with him. Don't stress bout it."

"Thanks Ant, I'll try not to."

"Ok well I'll see you tomorrow when I come to pick up Marcus."

"Ok. Goodnight Ant."

"Night Cat." I hang up and grab a blanket from the closet again and bring my phone with me to the living room. I lay down on the sofa and close my eyes. My mind races and I curse it for over thinking everything. I sigh as a few tears roll down my cheeks.

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