Chapter 21: Catalaya's POV

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I get up after Justin leaves and make up his bed. I put my hair in a high puff and splash some water on my face in his bathroom. I sigh and feel how wet I am and roll my eyes.

That man is always tryna fuck me.

I think as I dry my face. I walk out of the bathroom and out of his room to my own, but before I could make it there I hear someone crying. I slowly walk into the living room to see my baby Sky sitting on the sofa her hands covering her face.

"Is that my baby girl Sky?" I question lowly.

She slowly looks up and her eyes get big. "Ms. Cat!"

"Hi baby! What's wrong why are you crying?" I ask her kneeling in front of her. She sniffles and wipes her eyes and nose with her sleeve.

"These men um... they....they came into the house that daddy bought grandma and I. They....they killed her Ms. Cat." She says and begins to cry more, "and.... they.... they  tried to take me...bu...but I.." Sky can barely finish her sentence before she bursts into tears again.

"Oh baby I'm so so sorry. It'll be ok now though, you're safe." I say scooping her up into a hug. Sky cries harder and I rock us back and forth and try to soothe her.

"I'm so sorry about grandma Eddie baby, but I know that she's in a better place."

"Ms. Cat I'm scared."

"I know baby. I know, but you are safe here with me and daddy and Uncle Marcus ok? You are so brave baby girl." I say kissing her head, "Come on. You wanna watch tv in my room and eat some gummy bears. I have your favorite." She nods her head and I kiss her cheek before picking her up and walking to the kitchen. I get out the gummy bears and two juice boxes cuz I know her big headed daddy is probably gonna find her and end up wanting some too. She nuzzles her head into my neck and I let her hold the gummy bears. "You know what show you wanna watch baby girl?"

"No I just wanna be with you Ms. Cat." I kiss her cheek.

"Baby girl just call me Cat alright and I have to take a shower cuz," I stop and sniff under my arms and make an ugly face "Ooo Ms. Cat stink. Pea you." Sky giggles. "But I'm gonna shower in my bathroom and then I'll come back and join you. Ooo how about we watch Moana?"

"Yeah!" She says happily I chuckle.

"Alright then Moana it is." I say as we enter my room. I put her down and she crawls onto my bed. She sits in the middle and I open her gummy bears and juice box. "Alright Sky, Imma put your juice box right here so you don't spill it alright?"
"Ok." I kiss her head and turn on the tv. I go to Netflix and type in Moana in the search bar and then press play. I look at Sky as she smacks on her gummy bears and I smile. "Aye do we smack or do we chew with our mouth closed?"


"Mhm. When I'm done do you want me to braid your hair?"

"Yes pwease."

"Ok baby. If you get scared I'm right in here ok."


"Alright. Hey guess what?"


"I love you."

"I wove you too." She says with a mouth full of gummy bears.

We giggle and I kiss her forehead one last time before walking into the bathroom and closing the door. I sigh and sniffle realizing that even though I'll never be able to have my own children God has already given me children, both Sky and Drew. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to get warm before taking off my oversized shirt and getting in. I let the water glide over my skin and I sigh feeling bad for my baby Sky having to witness grandma Eddie's death. I can't imagine the pain she and her daddy must be going through. I'm so lost in thought that I don't notice Justin even entering the bathroom until the door to the shower opens. I look at him and open my arms. He takes off his sweats and his shirt and enters and hugs me tight. He sits down on the bench and pulls me to him. I stand in between his legs as he hugs me tight again. I feel his tears run down my boobs and I sigh and kiss his head.

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